Update on Industrial Action [INTO]

Source: INTO

Preparations are continuing in various trade unions, including the INTO, for a one day work stoppage on 30th March in furtherance of the ICTU campaign 'There is a Better, Fairer Way'. A meeting of the executive of the ICTU yesterday reviewed the situation and decided that there was insufficient progress in re-engaging with Government on a framework for national recovery. The executive of ICTU will meet again on Wednesday next, 25th March, when the results of ballots of the various unions throughout the country will be known. That meeting will also review any further progress on an engagement with Government.

In the meantime letters will issue from INTO to Chairpersons of Boards of Management throughout the country informing them of the proposed work stoppage on 30th March. A directive will also be issued to all INTO members to support the work stoppage if it goes ahead. A co-ordinating committee of ICTU is currently finalising plans for activities and action on the day. Further details of this will be posted on the website as soon as they are known.

It was the intention of the CEC that INTO members would be mandated in conjunction with their colleagues in the other teacher unions to engage initially in a series of work to rule strategies culminating in up to 2 days' strike action if necessary.

However, the Irish Congress of Trade Unions has since called on all affiliated unions to participate in a 1 day work stoppage on 30 March next to force the Government to re-engage with ICTU on its ten point plan which sets out a better and fairer way to manage the economic downturn.

It is important to note that the CEC of the INTO, in keeping with previous practice, has decided that special schools will be exempt from the day of action on 30th March. Further information will be posted on this website as it becomes available.


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