School bus charge to be doubled for 55,000 children []


By Michael Brennan

Tuesday March 24 2009

SCHOOL bus fees are set to double for secondary school pupils despite growing protests from parents.

Fees for junior certificate students will rise from €112 to €300, and leaving certificate students' school bus fees will rise from €156 to €300, the Irish Independent has learned.

The increases will come into force for 55,000 students in September.

Fine Gael education spokesman Brian Hayes said the changes went "below the radar" in last year's Budget, but were beginning to hit home.

"It's a real education stealth tax that's come in by the back door," he said.

Junior Education Minister Sean Haughey said the hikes were necessary, and the maximum payment per family would be €650.

But Fianna Fail TD Niall Collins said many parents would find it difficult to pay the increased fees.

- Michael Brennan


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