Minister O'Keeffe announces appointment of State examinations commissioners [DES]

Source: DES

The Minister for Education and Science, Batt O'Keeffe TD, today announced his appointments to the board of the State Examinations Commission (SEC).

The SEC is a statutory body, separate from the Department of Education and Science, responsible for the operation of the State examinations.

Two of the board members are new, with the rest reappointed.

Richard Langford will chair the SEC.

He held the chairperson position between March 15, 2006 and March 5, 2009.

He is a former CEO of City of Cork VEC and a former chairperson of the National Qualifications Authority of Ireland.

Breda Nolan, who is a former principal of Borris Vocational School, Co Carlow, has been appointed deputy chairperson.

Tony Behan, who is a former principal of Mercy Secondary School, Mounthawk, Tralee, Co Kerry, is the other new appointee to the SEC.

Ivor Gleeson, general manager of the Central Applications Office, has been reappointed to the SEC having served on the board between 2006 and 2009.

Businesswoman Eleanor Walsh, who was a member of the SEC between 2006 and 2009, has been reappointed to the board.

The commissioners will hold office for three years.

Minister O'Keeffe said: 'The skills and expertise of these board members will ensure that the Irish examinations system continues to be held in the highest esteem.

'The integrity and openness of the Irish examinations system is recognised the world over.

'The period ahead will be an important time of change and development and I wish the commissioners well in operating a high-quality responsive examinations system.'


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