Teachers back bar on 'cronyism' [independent.ie]

Source: independent.ie

By Katherine Donnelly

Thursday March 26 2009

PRIMARY teachers have welcomed new guidelines which they say rule out any possibility of "political cronyism" in cutbacks affecting English language support teachers, writes Katherine Donnelly.

The Department of Education and Science has issued a memo to schools setting out clear procedures for the appointment of the support teachers, whose numbers are being reduced.

The cuts will result in the loss of hundreds of jobs, mainly at primary level -- where most of the English language support, for pupils with limited English, is concentrated.

The overall number of full-time English language teaching support posts will drop from 2,000 to 1,400 and part-time positions will disappear.

Schools will be limited to two English language teachers, except in exceptional circumstances, for which the department has published criteria .

- Katherine Donnelly


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