Budget must protect children, says Barnardos [Irish Times]

Source: Irish Times


Barnardos has called on the Government to ensure vulnerable children and families are protected in next month's supplementary budget.

The charity said today that while it recognised the severity of the economic situation facing Ireland, the Government must ensure the 76,000 children living in consistent poverty are not targeted by increased taxes and cuts in vital supports and services.

"It is unacceptable that these children should pay for the economic downturn when they benefited so little from the Celtic Tiger," said chief executive Fergus Finlay.

Mr Finlay said any tax increases should predominantly target those on higher incomes.

Barnardos said child benefit should not be taxed or only taxed if the savings generated are directed into the Qualified Child Allowance.

The charity also said any savings made from cuts to the Early Childcare Supplement should be ringfenced to fund a quality half day pre-school place for every child during the year prior to joining primary school.

On the proposed cuts in spending on education, Mr Finlay said it was "unacceptable that the supports which help vulnerable children stay in school and get an education are being whittled away".

He warned that short-term cuts in education spending would have "very serious long-term repercussions for both children and Ireland".


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