Deferral of strike action in primary schools [INTO]

Source: INTO

INTO defers industrial action: schools open next Monday

The Central Executive Committee of the INTO met today and decided to defer the strike action planned for 30 March in primary schools.

Speaking after the INTO meeting John Carr, general Secretary of the INTO, said the key objective of calling the work stoppage for 30 March was to get the government to re-engage with the trade unions on a framework to manage the economic crisis on a social partnership basis. He said the INTO had sought a mandate for industrial action as leverage to secure a re-engagement with Government. "This has been achieved," said Carr.

"Therefore the action planned for 30 March is deferred and primary schools will be open as usual," said Carr.

He said the past weeks had been worrying ones for teachers. "Taking strike action is not a position teachers want to be in, particularly in the light of the challenges facing the country." "But," he said, "difficult decisions had to be made and the resolve and strength of teachers has secured the union's first objective ; engagement with government."

He added that securing a negotiating forum was only the first step and said the coming days would determine whether a meaningful and productive engagement would be achieved.

"The INTO believes that there is a better and fairer way to manage the economic downturn," said Carr. "We now have a short window of opportunity to convince the other partners to move forward on the more equitable basis of a social solidarity pact."

He said the Executive of the union was grateful to its members for their support and solidarity. The union's call for industrial action was backed by 79% of primary teachers who voted earlier this month.


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