O'Keeffe creating climate of fear over fees, say students [independent.ie]

Source: independent.ie

By John Walshe

Monday April 06 2009

EDUCATION Minister Batt O'Keeffe was last night accused of creating a climate of fear among students by delaying a decision on the reintroduction of tuition fees.

A decision had been promised around now but has now been put off until later this month at the earliest.

The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) said last night that the uncertainty was creating a climate of fear among potential students and their parents.

Union president Shane Kelly said the delay in taking a decision was very unhelpful.

The minister had created the anxieties when he first "flew the fees kite" last August and this had continued ever since, he said.

"The political reality is now beginning to dawn on the Government that families who have negative equity on their homes and are losing jobs cannot afford fees," Mr Kelly added.

The union is strongly opposed to fees and will discuss its campaign at the annual USI congress, which opens today in Bettystown, Co Meath.

The Irish Independent has learned that, so far, no formal proposal has been put by Mr O'Keeffe to the Cabinet.

The options raised informally range from the straightforward return of fees next year to a graduate payment of some kind. Students who enrol this September will be affected from September 2010 by whatever change is made.

Although he has yet to make up his mind, the minister is expected to opt for a combination of both fees and graduate repayments. He has insisted that he will take a "family-friendly" approach.

A final cabinet meeting will be held today before tomorrow's emergency Budget; however, sources said the minister's proposals would not be ready in time.

They also said the Cabinet would prefer to wait and see what the reaction was like to the Budget before taking any decision on a contribution by students to their college education.

- John Walshe


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