Teachers forced to take back unruly student [independent.ie]

Source: independent.ie

A SCHOOL was forced to take back an unruly pupil who caused mayhem for four years and was eventually expelled.

The ASTI convention in Killarney yesterday heard the student started disruption from the middle of first year.

The student was accused of unacceptable intimidation of some teachers and total annoyance of most others. His actions culminated in an attempted assault of a deputy principal which led to his expulsion.

But the school was forced to take him back when the parents took the matter to an appeals board, set up under Section 29 of the Education Act, which ruled in his favour.

Larry McGuinness, of the Fingal branch, told the conference that teachers and students should take precedence over disruptive pupils in class.

He said that Section 29 undermined the education system as schools became the culprits -- not the perpetrators of the disruptive acts.

Cork South delegate John Mulcahy described Section 29 as a "charter for scoundrels".

"The appeals are intrusive and ignore the mission of the school," he added.

Teachers are coming under pressure not to initiate disciplinary procedures against unruly pupils and have been told to play down incidents.

Susie Hall (Dublin North-East) said the vast majority of students were fine, but they were undermined by a small minority who had no respect.

"We have allowed ourselves to be sleepwalked down the path of political correctness so that inexcusable behaviour is 'explained' by children having one or more special needs," she added.

- John Walshe


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