Minister O'Keeffe outlines key Budget measures in Education as part of efforts to cut public spending [DES]

Source: DES

As part of the Government's efforts to reduce public expenditure, the Minister for Education and Science, Batt O'Keeffe TD, today outlined the details of the 2009 Supplementary Budget provision for his Department.

The gross allocation for the Department of Education and Science is now €9.493 billion.

The measures introduced today account for a reduction of €81 million in overall gross expenditure compared with the pre-Supplementary Budget estimate of €9.574 billion.

Minister O'Keeffe said: 'I'm pleased that frontline services in schools have been protected in this Budget and that we're continuing to invest significantly in education at all levels.

'Despite the severe economic circumstances, we've still prioritised our capital budget in schools.

'I expect that all school building projects I've already announced to go to tender will proceed this year.

'The more competitive environment in the construction sector will enable me to maximise the return I get for the Government's capital investment in education.'

However, Minister O'Keeffe pointed that current expenditure is to be reduced by €27 million to €8.643 billion while capital expenditure is to be reduced by €54 million to €850 million.

'The reductions in current and capital expenditure were necessary as part of the Government's efforts to reduce overall public expenditure and stabilise the public finances.

'I'm pleased to announce the creation of 6,910 extra places for unemployed workers in the further and higher education sectors.

'This is part of the new labour market activation initiative agreed between my Department, the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment and the Department of Social and Family Affairs,' said Minster O'Keeffe.

He said the total cost of this initiative in education for this year is €18.85 million.

The Minister for Lifelong Learning, Seán Haughey TD, welcomed the move, saying: 'This joint approach to labour market activation brings forward a range of measures aimed at keeping workers in jobs, re-skilling and facilitating better access to allowances.'


Note 1: The revised allocation agreed today is a reduction of some €134 million over the original Budget allocation of €9.627 billion announced last October. In addition to the €81m mentioned above other adjustments amounting to €53 million have been made since October. These adjustments include a technical transfer of €43 million to the Department of Health and Children in respect of youth services; general administrative and payroll reductions across a range of areas totalling €25 million; savings in respect of reductions in the rate of professional fees of €3 million. These reductions were offset by a net allocation of an extra €17.8 million for building projects earlier this year as part of a Government decision on capital expenditure. The net allocation announced in the October Budget has been adjusted to take account of the pension levy which is estimated to yield €331 million during this year.

Note 2: Please find attached a briefing note outlining the main details of today's Supplementary Budget for the education sector.


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