Govt accuses of failing to understand special needs [Herald]

Source: Herald

Fine Gael is accusing the Government of failing to understand the reality of special-needs provision in Irish schools.

The party tabled a private-members' motion in the Dail last night calling for the reversal of the decision to abolish 128 special-needs classes in Irish schools as part of budget cutbacks.

The Government is set to use its majority to defeat the motion when it is put to a vote later today.

Opening the debate last night, Fine Gael education spokesperson Brian Hayes said the proposal to abolish classes would have been rejected out of hand by any minister with a proper understanding of special-needs provision.

Education Minister Batt O'Keeffe, however, defended the Government's record in the area.

He said Fianna Fail-led coalitions had spent more than €1bn on special needs education in the past 11 years, transforming the ability of schools to provide for all children.


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