Closure of Special Classes in Primary Schools [INTO]

Source: INTO

Statement by John Carr, INTO General Secretary, on the closure of Special Classes in Primary Schools

6 May 2009

Closure of special classes must be re-examined ; INTO

The INTO has said the decision of the Department of Education and Science to close 128 special classes in primary schools without warning must be reversed. The union's General secretary, John Carr, made the demand in advance of a Dáil debate on the issue called by the Fine Gael party this evening (Wednesday 6th May 2009).

Mr Carr described the decision to close 128 special classes as "indefensible" and "an attack on special needs provision in the country". He said it was clear that special needs children were paying the price of the economic collapse. "Seven billion euro can be found to bail out banks," said Mr Carr, "yet seven million cannot be found for special needs children."

"The decision was made purely on financial grounds," said Carr. "The National Council for Special Education has commissioned a report on special classes. Yet before this is published the whole infrastructure is being pulled down." Mr Carr said he fully supported the motion calling for the decision to be halted pending the publication of the report and full discussions with all concerned.

"These classes provide special education support for children in mainstream primary schools," said Carr. "The children in these classes have been unable to cope in regular mainstream classes. They have been assessed as needing a place in one of these classes."

He said the Minister now proposed to return these children to regular classes in primary schools.

"It is patent nonsense to return these children to classes in which they couldn't cope in the first place," said Carr. "Government must have another look at this decision."



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