Summer Works Building Scheme [INTO]

Source: INTO

Statement by John Carr, General Secretary, Irish National Teachers' Organisation, on Summer Works Building Scheme

7 May 2009

Schools Summer Works Building Scheme ; scaled back and late

The Irish National Teachers' Organisation said today that the government was struggling to play catch up with the building needs of schools. The union was responding to an announcement by the Minister for Education and Science of a Summer Works Building Programme in schools.

The union said applications for the building works announced today were made in mid 2007. "This means schools have waited nearly two years for an answer from the Education Department," said John Carr, General Secretary of the INTO. "In the meantime, children and teachers have endured substandard electricity systems, inadequate toilet facilities and leaking roofs."

"Schools looked for funding in 2007 because they needed urgent upgrading then," said Mr Carr. He said today's announcement referred to work that should have been carried out long ago.

"This is last year's repair and maintenance programme," said Mr Carr. "The Minister is trying to repackage and re-sell a scheme that is well past its sell by date." "What schools want to know is where is this year's programme," he said.

Mr Carr described the list published today as an indictment of Celtic Tiger Ireland. "After a decade of record government income, today's announcement shows that 204 schools need proper windows, 135 schools need modern sanitary facilities, 114 schools need safe electrical systems and 139 schools need decent roofs," said Mr Carr. "This list of school building projects is a roll call of shame showing work that has not been done."

"Nor is this the full picture," said Mr Carr. "Since September 2007 schools have been unable to apply to the Education Department for funding under the scheme. Because of this, there is no doubt that hundreds of other schools need essential work done."

According to the INTO more than 120 million euro was provided for a similar scheme in the summer of 2007. "Today's announcement shows that investment in the maintenance of school buildings has been cut by a third," said Mr Carr.

The union said it would examine the list of projects announced to see if all applications made in 2007 are included.



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