Registration Renewal Reminder - [Teaching Council]

The Teaching Council would like to thank all teachers who have renewed their registration for the year 2009-2010. Those who have missed their registration renewal deadline, but who wish to remain on the Register of Teachers, should return their renewal form and fee to the Council without delay or renew on-line.

Over the coming weeks, the Council will facilitate retrospective renewal of registration, i.e. renewal of registration with effect from 28 March 2009. Teachers availing of this should note that the payroll bodies (Department of Education and Science and VECs) have notified the Council that the option to pay the fee by means of deduction from salary is no longer available for the current registration year. Teachers should therefore select another payment option when completing the registration renewal form. The most cost-effective option is on-line payment.

When Section 30 of the Teaching Council Act, 2001 is commenced by the Minister for Education and Science in the coming months, registration will be mandatory for all teachers wishing to teach in recognised schools and have their salaries paid from State monies. Registered teachers who allow their registration to lapse and who subsequently wish to re-register with the Teaching Council will be required to undergo the full application process including submission of transcripts and a process of Garda vetting.

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