New Chief Executive Officer for the Equality Authority [The Equality Authority]

The Equality Authority today (Tuesday 19 May) approved the appointment of Renee Dempsey as Chief Executive Officer. The appointment was made following an open, public and competitive process, managed on behalf of the Authority by the Public Appointments Service. She will take up her position in early June.

Ms Dempsey has been head of the Disability Equality Unit in the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform since July 2008 and she is a member of the National Disability Authority. Renee Dempsey has a wide range of experience across several government departments, working both at home and abroad.

The Chairperson of the Equality Authority said: "The Board is very pleased to approve the appointment of a CEO of such high calibre and with such energy and commitment. The Board looks forward to working with the new CEO in implementing the recently published Strategic Plan 2009-2011."

The Equality Authority was established by the Oireachtas in 1999 to promote and defend the anti-discrimination rights set out in the Employment Equality Acts and the Equal Status Acts. The Equality Authority has a staff of 38 based in two offices in Roscrea Co Tipperary, and in Clonmel Street, Dublin 2. For further information on the activities of the Equality Authority see


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