Green light for gaelscoil []

By John Manning

Wednesday June 10 2009

PLANNING permission has been granted for a long-awaited permanent school building for a gaelscoil near Swords that has been housed in prefabs for almost two decades.

Scoil an Duinninigh on the Feltrim Road is celebrating the green light given on a planning application by the Minister for Education to construct a new twostorey school building on the site. The new school will have 16 classrooms and will finally allow the prefab buildings on the site to be demolished. The development is to be carried out in two phases with phase one involving the construction of the new school and a temporary access from the church yard.

Phase two will see the demolition of the existing school buildings which will continue to house classes during the construction phase of the new school. The second phase of the project will also involve the construction of a car park, ball courts, a play area and soft and hard landscaping.

Councillors on the Malahide/Howth Area Committee put their weight behind the project when the application for the development was lodged.

Council planners revealed that there has been a lot of pre-planning discussion on the project with the school authorities in a bid to have the minimum disruption to classes during the construction phase of the project.

- John Manning


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