Focus Groups with Teachers in Dublin and Cork []

Focus Groups with Teachers in Dublin and Cork

[ Thursday, 11th June 2009 ]

The Council is currently developing a website,, to promote teaching as a profession. The website will be of interest to potential teachers (second and third-level students, mature entrants), parents, guidance counsellors, careers advisers, the media and the general public.
The aims of will be to:
· foster a positive attitude to the teaching profession and publicly acknowledge the valuable role teachers play in society
· raise awareness of the attractiveness of teaching as a career option and of the challenges, opportunities and rewards which are presented by a career in teaching, for men and women
· inform persons interested in becoming a teacher, and those providing career advice, about entry routes into the profession.
Focus groups are currently being held with practicing teachers so that they will have an input into the
development of the content for this site. These focus groups will also provide an opportunity for teachers
to reflect on the Codes of Professional Conduct for Teachers, and to offer feedback as part of the
ongoing review of the Codes.
Focus Groups are currently planned for:
Dublin West Education Centre
Monday 21 September 2009, 7.30pm ; 9.30pm,
Cork Education and Support Centre
Wednesday 23 September 2009, 7.30pm ; 9.30pm,
Booking: teachers interested in participating in these focus groups, should contact
Other locations: If there is significant interest expressed for other locations, additional meetings may be arranged. Please email if you are interested in attending a focus group and provide details of your preferred location. A meeting may be organised when sufficient numbers have been received.

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