New survey of principals illustrates impact of cutbacks [IrishExaminer]

A new survey conducted among principals by the Teachers’ Union of Ireland (TUI) shows the "devastating" impact that the cutbacks have had on the most vulnerable students in the education system, it was claimed today.

Some 79% of respondents to the survey, which was carried out among VEC and Community and Comprehensive principals in March, said that the non-filling of positions had a high to medium impact on the ability of the school to address discipline and behavioural issues.

“Since the introduction of the block on the filling of promotional posts, many schools have lost a number positions at Assistant Principal and Special Duties post level," said TUI President Bernie Ruane.

"A typical post of responsibility position would be year head," Ms Ruane added.

"These posts holders fulfil a range of vital tasks with schools relying on these posts to carry out the pastoral care, administrative and other duties which are fundamental to their operation.

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Education Minister addresses TUI conference []

Education Minister Ruairi Quinn today addessed the TUI conference in Tralee.

As with the INTO and ASTI conferences, the Minister outlined the challenges ahead…

I am anxious to ensure that all of the education partners are in no doubt of the very difficult road that lies ahead and I equally want to share my perspective with you.

There are issues that concern you as individuals but also issues that come from your concern about education provision and particularly how schools and colleges are resourced and it is appropriate that they are aired and debated

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Incoming Vice President: Anne Fay []

April 2011

The new vice president of the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation is Anne Fay, Principal teacher in St. Joseph’s NS in Fermoy, Co. Cork.

Anne is a native of Cappawhite, Co. Tipperary, where she attended primary school. Her grandparents taught in a two teacher school in Gurtavalla, Doon, Co. Limerick. She completed her secondary education in the Convent of Mercy, Doon, Co. Limerick and attended St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth where she graduated with a BA degree in 1975 and a H.Dip in 1976. In 1978 she qualified as a primary teacher from Mary Immaculate College of Education in Limerick as a  “Wilson Grad”.

Anne began her teaching career in Presentation Primary School, Fermoy where she taught Infants and Learning Support for many years before she was appointed as a teaching principal in her present school which was then a two teacher boys’ school.  St. Joseph’s now enrols girls and an autism class was added in 2008. Having worked in the area of Infant education for most of her career, Anne has maintained a professional interest in the area of early childhood education.  She was a designer and tutor of the INTO infant education course in 1996 and represented the INTO on the group that advised the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment on AISTEAR, the early childhood education framework.

She also represented the organisation on the board of High/Scope Ireland.


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Incoming President: Noreen Flynn []

April 2011

The new President of the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation is Noreen Flynn, a teacher in Dublin and a native of Kinnegad, Co Westmeath.

Noreen attended primary school in Kinnegad Girls’ National School and completed her secondary education in Loreto Convent in Mullingar. In 1974 she was among the first cohort of students to enter Carysfort College of Education and complete the B. Ed. course. She graduated in 1977.

In 2010 Noreen was among the first cohort of post-graduate students to complete the Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Leadership (Toraiocht). This course was organised jointly by the Leadership Development for Schools (LDS) team and the Education Department in NUI Maynooth.

Noreen has worked in a number of different roles as a primary teacher. Her teaching career began in 1977 in Kinnegad Boys’ National School in a mixed class. In 1978 she was appointed to Mater Dei Primary School, Basin Lane, Dublin. This marked the beginning of years of campaigning for increased resources in disadvantaged schools and communities.

In 1986 she took a career break and lived in the United States. There she taught English and Maths to 6th, 7th and 8th Grade students in Guardian Angel Elementary School, Manhattan, New York. Since returning to Mater Dei Primary School in 1991 she has worked as a class teacher and learning support/ resource teacher. She currently holds the post of Deputy Principal and took up the position of Acting principal in September 2010.

Noreen has been an active INTO member for many years. She was Branch Organiser for Dublin City South and District Treasurer for District 9. She was elected to the Central Executive Committee of the INTO 1999 to serve as Representative for District 9 that covers an area from Templeogue to the south inner city through west Dublin to Celbridge in Co Kildare.


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Minister Quinn announces publication of report by Commission on School Accommodation [DES - Press Release]

The Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairi Quinn TD, today announced the publication of the report of the Commission on School Accommodation proposing revised criteria and procedures for the establishment of new primary schools.

In September 2008, the then Minister for Education and Science, Batt O'Keeffe TD, requested that a review of the criteria and procedures for the establishment of new primary schools be undertaken by the Commission on School Accommodation.

A review was deemed necessary given the rapid growth in population and changing demographics in recent years.

A Technical Working Group under the Steering Group of the Commission on School Accommodation was established to undertake a full review of the existing criteria and procedures.

Today's report is the outcome of that review.


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