Debate over choice of religious education could be informed by teaching of Irish []


RITE AND REASON: Faith can be expressed in schools without friction for those pupils exempt from religion

THE VAST majority (more than 90 per cent) of Irish primary or national schools are under denominational patronage. Whether State support for religiously-affiliated schools is desirable from civic and educational perspectives, and whether this support will prove financially realistic, are large issues. But we do not operate from a clean slate – we are where we are in respect of the control and management of schools.

Choice of schools is a very vexed issue and there is a knot of confusion surrounding it.


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New website to support developments in primary curriculum []


Visit our special website where you will find video podcasts from a cross section of professionals, writers, educationalists and business and media people. Each speaker offers a unique perspective on children and their lives in Ireland in 2011 and the kinds of primary schools we need. It’s food for thought as we begin an exciting phase of work to develop an integrated language curriculum for primary schools.

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Frontline Programme re: Teachers []


The Frontline programme at 10.35 on RTE 1 television tonight is on the topic of teachers and INTO representatives will be participating


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Teacher strikes could close schools by summer []


Strikes could close schools as early as June after teachers backed a ballot for industrial action over the government's proposed changes to pensions. Delegates at the Association of Teachers and Lecturers' annual conference passed a motion condemning proposed reforms that will see public sector workers paying more towards their pensions, retiring later and receiving less when they do.

The union's executive will draw up plans for a strike ballot and consider the timing of any industrial action later today.

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Teachers seek action on girl cyber bullies []


British teachers will today call for an investigation into rising levels of poor behaviour among girls in the classroom. Girls, they argue, are more likely to resort to cyber-bullying - bullying over the internet and mobile phones which is worrying school leaders.

A survey by the Association of Teachers and Lecturers reveals that half the teachers believed girls' behaviour had become worse during the past two years. One in five thought it was now more challenging than boys'. Teachers interviewed for the survey accused girls of being "sneakier" than boys in the way they misbehaved.


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