Teacher TDs will have job safety net for 10 years [Independent.ie]

NEWLY elected teacher TDs and senators will be able to keep their old jobs open for up to 10 years in future, the Irish Independent has learnt.

However, the teachers-turned-politicians will lose their pension perks.

The Government has responded to complaints the present system is unfair as it allows them to keep their teaching posts open indefinitely.

But its decision to introduce a 10-year maximum was described last night as too generous.

Labour TD Roisin Shortall, who resigned her teaching post two years ago, said she believed that the new limit was "too much".

"There is a high turnover of TDs, but if you are elected for a second term you should resign your teaching job," Ms Shortall said.

The Government has also decided teacher members of the Oireachtas will no longer move up the pay scale in their absence from school.

At present, they normally return to school on higher pay than when they were elected.

At the top of the pay scale that difference could have been worth up to €15,000 a year -- and a much higher pension.

The Government has also decided that they can no longer chalk up both teaching and Oireachtas pensions at the same time.

Full Story: www.independent.ie

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Safer Internet Day [Independent.ie]

All parents want to protect their children, and the experts explain how they can do that online as well as in real life

Computers and the internet are part of the very fabric of modern children's lives.

So much so, that a recent survey by internet security company AVG found that more young children know how to play a computer game than swim or ride a bike.

But just like the basic skills of cycling and swimming, kids who use the internet need to learn to do it properly.

And that means doing it safely - which is what Safer Internet Day (February 8) is all about.

The day is internationally co-ordinated by Insafe, a European network of Safer Internet Centres, which has adopted 'Virtual Lives' as the day's theme.

As well as encouraging children and their parents to look at how they present themselves in online spaces ranging from social networking sites to role-playing games, the theme aims to highlight the fact that most people now spend some time on the internet.

Insafe's project co-ordinator Janice Richardson points out that horror stories in the media about the dangers of the internet for children, such as paedophiles grooming them, and cyberbullying, may make parents frightened of their children using the internet.


Full Story: www.independent.ie

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Warning over children's safety online [IrishTimes]

'Think before you post' is the message being sent out to children today in schools across the country as part of Safer Internet Day 2011.

Events are taking place in Ireland and around the world to promote the eighth annual Safer Internet Day, which aims to promote a safer internet for all users, but especially children.

The day is organised in Ireland by Webwise, an internet safety initiative of the National Centre for Technology and Education.

To celebrate Safer Internet Day, the organisation will give talks to thousands of children throughout the month of February in addition to running several parenting workshops on the issue.

The talks will highlight personal safety issues that may arise for children while using the internet including risks associated with online interactive services like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and MSN Messenger.

They will be delivered by volunteers from Microsoft, UPC and O2 who will try to give students clear practical advice on what information about themselves they should give out when signing up to websites.
The National Parents Council Primary will also deliver internet safety workshops for parents throughout the month.


Full Story: www.irishtimes.com

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Mystery solved: How to get boys to write - NZ Herald

BRITAIN - Blogging may have solved one of the most pressing problems that has perplexed the education world for years: how to get boys to write properly.

A pioneering approach adopted by a primary school in Bolton has seen a remarkable rise in pupils' test scores.


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Simpósiam Teanga | Language Symposium - Irish.ie

Glacfaidh taighdeoirí náisiúnta agus idirnáisiúnta páirt sa Scoil Earraigh le súil is go spreagfar plé agus machnamh ar réimsí éagsúla na pleanála teanga, agus ar na ceachtanna atá le foghlaim ón gcomhthéacs leathan sóisialta, polaitíochta agus cultúrtha ina bhfuil mionteangacha an domhain ag maireachtáil.


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