In brief: New government department is to take charge of troubled FAS agency []

The troubled government training agency Fas is about to be ejected from the restructured Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment.

The Sunday Independent has learnt that the majority of the tasks undertaken by Fas -- the education and training sections -- will now be almost entirely concentrated in the Department of Education, headed by its old boss, Tanaiste Mary Coughlan. The section dealing with 'social protection' will go to the department headed by Eamon O Cuiv. Labour TD Ruairi Quinn said: "Fas appears to be following the Tanaiste around like the Ancient Mariner."


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Cuts well short of Bord Snip target []

Debt woes to worsen as Government fails to meet two-thirds of €5.3bn in savings proposed by McCarthy.

The Government has failed to implement over two-thirds of the spending cuts recommended by An Bord Snip Nua last year, which will severely impact on the country's soaring debt, it can be revealed.

According to new figures obtained from all government departments, less than a third of the €5.3bn cuts recommended in the McCarthy report will be achieved by the end of 2010.


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Think Tank: Let parents decide fate of schools []

The issue of parental choice and school patronage has come into sharp focus since the publication of the Murphy and Ryan reports and, although extremely complicated, it needs to be addressed by all those who have an interest in Irish education. Some would like to turn this debate into an ideological clash between church and state, but the last thing that our schools need is a debate on ideology.

You’ll have heard the “commentator class” give their opinions on church-run education, especially Catholic schools, and on who should own and control them. We have heard what bishops have said about their involvement in education. But have you heard what parents want?


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Call for fewer church schools []

The Labour party is expected to propose that the number of primary schools managed by the Catholic church be halved. Its national conference, to be held next weekend in Galway, will vote on a “transition” from church to democratic and community control of schools.

Ruairi Quinn, the party’s education spokesman, has called for a phased withdrawal of the churches from primary-school management and a shift towards lay boards.


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Testing times for teachers []

Ask any Minister for Education -- dealing with a room full of teachers these days is more about crowd control than learning. Gone are the days when you could stand up there and get some respect just for being who you are.

Just look at poor Mary Coughlan. On her first day in front of the teachers and the new head girl of the INTO, Sheila Nunan, says: "If you don't believe half the things you've heard about teachers, we won't believe half of the things we've heard about you." The cheek of her. This would never have happened if ministers were still allowed to slap teachers.


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