Bullies want status and affection [irishhealth.com]

As many as 15% of children are thought to be the victims of bullying, which can lead to feelings of loneliness, anxiety and depression. Now a new study has found that most bullies are motivated by the pursuit of status and affection.

Dutch researchers questioned almost 500 primary school children, aged nine to 12.

They found that bullies generally chose to gain status by dominating their victims. However at the same time, they tried to reduce the chances that they would end up as outcasts with other classmates by choosing victims who were viewed as weak and not well liked by others.

In other words, even bullies care a lot about the affection of others and do not want to lose it, the researchers said.


Full Story: www.irishhealth.com

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Schoolchildren 'will be turned away' [news.eircom.net]

Earlier this week, before Batt O'Keeffe was transferred to the new Enterprise, Trade and Innovation Department, the ex-education minister said he was taking "decisive steps" to address the situation.

However, Deputy David Stanton said unless the Department of Education acts with "urgency" many pupils face being turned away from secondary schools in Midleton and Carrigtwohill.


Full Story: news.eircom.net

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Cowen gives O'Keeffe research funding brief [IrishTimes]

ENTERPRISE: MINISTER FOR Enterprise, Trade and Innovation Batt O’Keeffe secured responsibility for higher education research funding after intensive discussions with Taoiseach Brian Cowen.

It is understood Mr O’Keeffe lobbied for the change, which greatly diminishes the role of the Department of Education in third-level policy.

Sources say the decision to give responsibility for research funding to Mr O’Keeffe’s department will also raise questions about the future role of the Higher Education Authority (HEA).


Full Story: www.irishtimes.com

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Heads of seven universities to appear before Education Committee to discuss student registration fee [oireachtas.ie]

The heads of seven Irish universities will appear before the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Education and Science tomorrow, Thursday January 28th to discuss the disbursement of the student registration fee/student support services charge in each college and proposals to accommodate students who haven’t paid the registration fee due to delays in payment of the third level grant.


Full Story: www.oireachtas.ie

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Grassroots play it safe at conference [Independent.ie]

GREEN Party grassroots have tabled a list of hard-hitting demands ahead of this weekend's party conference -- but have steered clear of their usual contentious issues.

Having shed large swathes of its rebellious wing, the list of motions contains no references to an exit strategy from Government, or a future walkout, or the need to stand up to Fianna Fail or the necessity to negotiate more concessions from their senior coalition partners.

Such tricky issues would have previously dominated conferences, but the resignations of vocal members in counties Donegal, Clare, Kerry and Mayo have paved the way for a less combative party conference this weekend.


Full Story: www.independent.ie

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