Grade inflation worse than O'Keeffe stated []

The full findings of a Department of Education inquiry into grade inflation are expected to show far greater levels of increases in individual grades at second and third level than the figures referred to by education minister Batt O'Keeffe in the Dáil last week, the Sunday Tribune understands.

Amid claims by both Fine Gael and members of an influential lobby group that O'Keeffe's presentation of the results to the Dáil was little more than a "whitewash", his spokeswoman has confirmed that he had yet to read the full findings of the inquiry, which was submitted to him earlier last week.


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Industrial action will hurt students []

Speech by Fine Gael Education Spokesman, Brian Hayes TD

There needs to be a new deal between teachers and the Government according to Fine Gael Education Spokesperson, Brian Hayes TD, speaking this evening (Monday ) at the Fine Gael Cork North West Constituency AGM in Millstreet Cork.

“If I had a fiver for everyone who told me that the Department of Education HQ was a downtown office of the Irish teachers’ unions, I would be a very wealthy man. The common perception is that the unions simply click their fingers in Marlborough Street and get everything they want.


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The importance of education for women and girls on International Women’s Day []

Minister of State for Overseas Development, Peter Power TD, today launched the Education for All 2010 Global Monitoring Report, the UNESCO report which tracks progress on the number of children being educated around the globe.

The report highlights progress on the number of children attending school. The number of children out of school has fallen by 33 million since 1999, and the gender gap in primary education is narrowing in many countries.

The launch, which was hosted by Irish Aid, the Government’s programme for overseas development, in its Limerick headquarters, marks International Women’s Day (8th March).


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Brendan Keenan: Quality is key to education []

I do not wish to sound either old or clever, although there is no doubt that I qualify on at least one count. But the fact is that when I attended Queen's University, Belfast, it had 5,000 students, and today it has more than 25,000.

These raw numbers might suggest that I would be among the cleverest 20 per cent of today's student population. I very much doubt it. My recollection is that it was relatively easy to get into college back then. I even qualified for medical school, before common sense prevailed on both sides. I do not believe I could get the necessary points now -- not even if I were 18 again.


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Education must aim for higher standards []

It might be an urban myth but this answer - attributed to a third-level student on British quiz show University Challenge -might raise a smile among the general public but, for some lecturers and employers, it’s no laughing matter.

The issue of whether or not there has been a dumbing down in the third-level sector has been a concern for employers for some time. However, it reared its head publicly last week when it emerged that the Minister for Education and Science, Batt O’Keeffe, had initiated an investigation of grades.

The report - the preliminary results of which were released last Thursday - also looked at whether or not grade inflation had been occurring in Leaving Certificate exams.


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