Martin says church control of schooling is untenable []

The Archbishop of Dublin has reportedly said that the Catholic Church's near monopoly over schooling in Ireland is untenable and fails to reflect current realities.

Reports this morning say Diarmuid Martin made the remark in a speech last night to members of the Irish Primary Principal Network.

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Lack of a new gaelscoil angers teaching groups []

EDUCATION Minister Batt O'Keeffe has angered Irish-language teaching groups with the announcement of approval for seven new primary schools.

Gaelscoileanna spokesperson Blathnaid Ni Ghreachain claimed the department breached parents' constitutional right to education for their children, and the State's obligation to protect and nurture the Irish language by not providing for an Irish-medium school among the seven.


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Half of nation's maths teachers aren't qualified to teach subject []

HALF the country's maths teachers are not qualified to teach the subject, according to a shocking new report.

The lack of qualified teachers is a key reason for the poor performance of Irish teenagers in the subject, the report concludes. The findings will set more alarm bells ringing about the lack of readiness of Irish school-leavers for the smart economy, on which future prosperity hinges.


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Go-ahead for 52 school projects 'will not clear waiting-list backlog' []

EDUCATION Minister Batt O'Keeffe was urged to reform the school-building programme as he unveiled details of 52 major building projects to go ahead this year.

The planned construction includes 20 new schools and 32 extensions, creating 23,500 permanent school places, with two-thirds of them at primary level.

The minister also announced that 22 more schools had been approved to advance through the design process under the €579m 2010 programme.


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Half of maths teachers unqualified [IrishExaminer]

ALMOST half of those who teach maths in secondary schools have no qualification in teaching the subject, a study has found.

The finding is contained in a report on "out-of-field teachers" who are teaching maths, carried out at the University of Limerick.

The report, by Dr Máire Ní Ríordáin and Dr Ailish Hannigan, of the National Centre for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching and Learing (NCE-MSTL), is based on a survey of principals and teachers of maths from a representative national sample of post-primary schools.

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