Talk Back [IrishTimes]

The ban on after-hours parent-teacher meetings is a mistake, writes JIM MOORE

THERE IS no shortage of public declarations that parents are “full partners in the consultative process” on education. The Education Act even acknowledges the integral role of parents in Irish education.

But if we look across the post-primary sector we can see the shortcomings that exist. For example, how many schools have parents as chairpersons of boards of management? Have all schools formed parents’ councils in a transparent manner? Do all schools hold board of management meetings at times that enable parents to attend? Are the issues of concern to parents on the agenda at board of management meetings?


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Most children say parents do not control their internet use [IrishTimes]

MOST CHILDREN believe their parents do nothing to encourage them to be safe online, yet most parents are confident their children are taking the necessary precautions, a new survey has found.

The Microsoft MSN survey of more than 14,000 people in Europe, including 556 in Ireland, found that 66 per cent of children said their parents did nothing to limit or control their internet use.


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New initiative launched to keep children safe online []

Four children every day across the UK are at immediate risk from online paedophiles or bullies, the head of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre has warned.

In a bid to educate children from as young as five on how to stay safe on-line, CEOP has launched a new interactive cartoon — Lee and Kim Adventures — to be shown in schools across the UK and for parents to use at home. The cartoon was shown yesterday to pupils at Rathcoole Primary School in Newtownabbey.

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Warning on social networking risks [IrishTimes]

Social networking sites such as Facebook have made the personal information of minors more accessible online, according to a new study by the European Commission.

Marking Safer Internet Day, the commission today reminded teenagers to: “Think before you post”, adding that 50 per cent of European teenagers give out private data on the web, which can remain online forever and can be seen by anybody.

Following last year’s Safer Internet Day, 20 companies including Bebo, Facebook and Youtube, signed the Safer Social Networking, However, a report out today shows that not all the companies implemented the agreement and more work needs to be done to protect children online.


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Online for a lesson in internet safety []

INTERNET safety lessons are to be extended to primary school pupils as a new survey highlights the dangers for children of going online.

The age at which children start using the internet is going down, with seven-year-olds now logging on regularly. Meanwhile, social-networking sites are increasingly popular.

In the new lessons, children will be given tips on how to protect themselves and advised about cyber-bullying.


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