Senior civil servants vote to strike []

Senior civil servants have decided to take part in next week's one-day strike, in protest over planned cuts to the public sector pay bill.

Some 3,000 higher grade civil servants - members of the Association of Higher Civil and Public Servants - will join teachers, nurses and other public sector staff in next Tuesday's action, organised by ICTU.

The AHCPS has said its members have voted in favour of strike action on because they feel they are being scapegoated and facing inequitable treatment.


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Call for schools to speed reforms []

Education Minister Caitriona Ruane has written to schools to make sure they are keeping pace with a major shake-up of the courses available to teenagers.

The Sinn Fein minister said schools should get the help they need to bring in the reforms, but warned they need to step-up the speed of change.

The minister unveiled the Together Towards Entitlement document on area-based planning among schools to rule-out duplication of courses and increase the variety of academic and vocational courses available.


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Cowen to give €150m for computers in schools [IrishTimes]

TAOISEACH BRIAN Cowen will today unveil a major investment in computers for schools, amid criticism that Irish schoolchildren are losing out in the digital revolution.

Mr Cowen is expected to commit about €150 million to a new plan providing laptops and computer software for every school in the State.

The Government has been stung into action by criticism from former Intel chief Dr Craig Barrett at the recent Farmleigh summit.

He said Ireland needed a “new game plan” if it hopes to compete in the new Knowledge Economy.


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Irish Government to spend €150 million on computers for Irish schools [SiliconRepublic]

The Government of Ireland revealed today that it plans to invest €150 million to kit out Irish schools with the latest computers, software and audio-visual equipment as part of a long overdue injection of technology resources in classrooms across the country.


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Taoiseach launches €150m plan for 'smart schools' []

New action plan includes teaching laptop and digital projector for each classroom in major high-tech drive

Every classroom in the country is to get a teaching laptop, software and digital projector over the next three years as part of a €150 million plan for 'smart schools' launched today [Monday] by the Taoiseach, Brian Cowen TD.

The new action plan has been produced by the joint advisory group established by the Minister for Education and Science, Batt O'Keeffe TD, and builds on the earlier strategy group report, 'Investing Effectively in ICT in Schools'.


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