Teachers defy unions by assessing own exam pupils [Independent.ie]

SOME teachers are assessing their own pupils in defiance of their unions.

The Junior Certificate oral Irish exam is a case in point.

In what has turned into a farcical situation, pupils in some schools do the oral Irish, while others don't.

Crucially, those doing the Irish oral could be gaining an advantage because of the high marks that are available for it.

The exam is optional, but a student can earn up to 40pc of the marks for the subject, for the 15-minute interview involved.

The oral exam is not conducted in the usual way, by an examiner paid for by the State Examinations Commission (SEC).


Full Story: www.independent.ie

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As few as six exams for new junior cycle [IrishExaminer]

STUDENTS could sit just six exams and count their role in a school musical towards the qualification that will replace the Junior Certificate from 2017.

In a move away from written exams, 40% of the marks in all subjects will be given for portfolios of learning during second and third year, with web-based projects likely to be a key feature.

Full Story: www.examiner.ie


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IBEC calls for integrated language education policy [eecho.ie]

The Irish Business and Employers Confederation (IBEC) has said that Irish workers need to further develop foreign language skills if the country to avoid missing out on foreign direct investment.

IBEC is calling on the Department of Education to introduce a national policy to provide an integrated and coherent approach to language learning.

It says without action, Ireland will be faced with a competitive disadvantage when it comes to attracting investment.

Over 75% of the world's population don't speak English and only 9% speak it as their first language, the organisation has pointed out.


Full Story: www.eecho.ie

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*Clarification Regarding Appointment of Teachers


Any permanent teaching post that is now vacant may be filled in a permanent capacity. It must first be offered to anyone on a panel if there is still one in operation in your area. If the panel is clear then it can be advertised as normal on EducationPosts.ie. There is one proviso – the teacher must actually be in situ by the first working day in November, which this year is Monday the 7th.

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TY can't shake 'doss year' image [Independent.ie]

'They have no homework, no study routine, they don't seem to do any real academic work in school and all the good study habits developed in preparation for the Junior Cert go right out the window."

These are the comments of one mother whose daughter did transition year last year and neither mother nor daughter have much positive to say about the experience.

"My daughter and her friends told me that after starting in fifth year," she went on to say, "they feel like they're beginning subjects like French and Irish for the first time. They've forgotten everything."


Full Story: www.independent.ie

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