Places sought for autistic children after school closure [IrishExaminer]

THE Department of Education has confirmed that eight autistic children whose school was closed down in the summer will have to receive home tuition while places are found for them.

The children had been attending the Achieve ABA school in Donaghmede, north Co Dublin.

However, it closed during the summer after those in charge of the school — which uses the ABA (applied behavioural analysis) method of teaching preferred by some parents of children with autism — that funding was not available to keep it operating.

The school closed in late July after Education Minister Ruairí Quinn rejected funding proposals.

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All-inclusive schools group will meet parents [IrishExaminer]

MEETINGS are being held this week for parents of prospective pupils at three planned primary schools in Cork by a multi-denominational group which hopes to open them.

Educate Together is applying for patronage of the schools, which will open in 2013 in the Douglas/Rochestown area of the city’s southside, Riverstown/Glanmire north of the city and Mallow in north Co Cork.

They are among 13 areas where the Department of Education says new primary schools will be needed in the next two years to cater for rising pupil numbers. The others are in Dublin, Galway and Kildare.

Education Minister Ruairi Quinn announced in June that new procedures to select a patron for new primary schools will be used.

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It’s Church V State as Kenny refuses to back down []

Taoiseach Enda Kenny was today refusing to back down from his claims that church authorities frustrated investigations into child sex abuse.

Relations between the Government and the Vatican hit a new low after the authorities in Rome claimed that the Cloyne Report did not back up assertions made by Mr Kenny in his landmark speech to the Dail in July.

The content of the speech is under fresh scrutiny after the Vatican posted a detailed riposte at the weekend -- but the Taoiseach will not be backtracking on his comments.

"There is no expectation there is going to be an imminent statement," his spokesman said last night.


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I want parents to share schools not take over from Church – Minister []

Education Minister Ruairi Quinn today denied a claim in the Daily Mail that he was asking parents to take control of their schools from the Catholic Church.

There will be elections for approximately 3,300 boards of management in the autumn, with generally eight members per board, two of whom are parent representatives.

"This is about the partners in education sharing responsibility for running the schools in a manner that provides all students with the best education possible,” he said.

New Boards will take up office on 1 December 2011. Membership of a Board of Management is designed to reflect all the different interests in the school community (patron, parents, staff, and wider community).


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Ireland's newest gaelscoil 'offers great interaction for school kids' []

The set-up at the country's newest educational establishment provides a "great" learning environment for school kids, it has been claimed.

Gaelscoil na Mi, which is the newest multi-denominational gaelscoil in Ireland, opened its doors for the first time in Co Meath last week, the Independent reports.

It has two classes, each consisting of 18 pupils, which Tricia Ni Mhaolagain from the institution said has a number of benefits.

She explained: "It's great, it means that they have much more one-to-one interaction with the teacher, which is hugely important at that age."


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