How school trip prices have parents fuming []

Of all the potential costs incurred by parents through the course of the school year, school trips or outings are among those most likely to catch them out.

According to a recent survey, commissioned by the National Consumer Agency, almost half of the parents (49pc) asked have previously had to make an unforeseen payment in relation to costs for the new school year. For almost three in five of the group, this unforeseen or unexpected cost was in relation to school trips or outings. Most schools will organise school trips or outings of some kind or another, but many parents and teachers are openly wondering whether the more expensive overseas trips are worth it, particularly in today's economic climate.

According to one of the largest school trip travel agents, Budget School and Group Tours (BSGT), which is now owned by the student travel company USIT, the most popular destinations for overseas trips include London, Paris, Barcelona, the Rhineland, Rome and even New York.


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Transport to school: Counting costs of getting there []

You may have the best of intentions, but the choices you make about how best to transport your children to school are primarily influenced by how far away you live from the school premises.

For those who live more than two or three miles away, the choices include the school bus, the ordinary bus, train or car.

The subsidised school-bus system probably represents one of the most convenient, cost-effective and green transport choices for those living further away from school.

But thanks to recent cuts to the school transport scheme for this school year, it's no longer as cheap as it was.


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Getting money message to your children []

AS the dreaded back-to-school season begins, parents all over Ireland will have a job on their hands keeping those back-to-school expenses under control and within budget.

Since the economic downturn, personal budgeting has become even more of a necessity. But it does seem that the overwhelming majority of personal budgeting tools are targeted toward adults. But what about our children and young adults?

Surely it's just as important to teach them about money?

Most of us got our financial education from friends and family members who looked richer than we were, and look how that turned out. In fact, our 'relationship' with money is sometimes left entirely to chance.


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A dozen ways to take the edge off back-to-school expenses []

IT is another back-to-school season and a chance to either make or break the family budget.

How much will it all cost and how much can you keep costs down by?

After roughly a two-year hiatus, inflation has returned with a bang. Just about everything seems to be rising -- except take-home pay.

However, for the savvy parent, there are still some opportunities to get the kids back to school through a mix of being organised, frugal and just plain smart with money.


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Free pre-school year takes off []

The free pre-school year, under the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) scheme, started in January 2010.

Under the scheme, children born between 2 February 2007 and 30 June 2008 are entitled to three hours of free care per day during the school year 2011-12.

While little formal research has been carried out on the scheme as yet, child experts say that parents are generally happy with it.

"An indicator of this is the large number of parents who are availing of the scheme," says Steve Goode, a childcare consultant.


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