Seven support teachers axed in New Ross []

SEVEN SUPPORT teaching posts have been axed at primary level in New Ross town.

The CBS Primary School, St. Joseph's National School and Michael Street Boys School will each lose out on these vital support teaching posts when they open their doors in September.

The CBS will be without two of their resource teachers for traveller pupils ( RTT) and a language support teacher in September, St. Joseph's will lose out on two of their RTTs and Michael Street Boys School have lost one of their language support teachers and one and a half RTTs as they shared one of these positions with Rathgarogue National School.

According to Deborah Murphy, Principal of St. Joseph's, the school was granted one alleviation RTT post and they have also applied for a second shared RTT post.


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Mountmellick principal in bullying row goes to High Court []

MOUNTMELLICK Community School principal Eric Gaughran was successful in a High Court bid last Tuesday to prevent the school’s board of management from holding a disciplinary meeting into allegations of bullying against him.

Mr Gaughran was suspended from his duties at the school on Tuesday 21 June after the school’s board of management received a report into an allegation that he had bullied a member of staff.

The report recommended that the school board of management should take action.

On foot of the report, the board suspended Mr Gaughran on full pay, requiring his attendance at a disciplinary meeting scheduled to take place on Tuesday 20 September. Mr Gaughran strenuously denied the allegations made against him.


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Taoiseach's speech and Cloyne reaction [IrishTimes]

Sir, – The recalling for consultations by a friendly state of its diplomatic representative here should provide a reality check for the Government.

This démarche by the Holy See can hardly have been unexpected. The crude and intemperate language of the Taoiseach’s Dáil speech and the hectoring and bullying tone of the Tánaiste’s utterances in the media have no place in the conduct of international relations.

The consequences of this unnecessary diplomatic crisis should not be underestimated.

Our country’s reputation in diplomatic circles can now be credibly compared to the junk status of Irish government bonds on the international financial markets. Who is responsible for this? Did the Taoiseach draft his own speech or was it the work of one of his special advisers?


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Clonmel school wins admission appeal []

A school has won its appeal against a decision that found it had discriminated against a traveller boy by refusing him admission.

In a judgement delivered yesterday (July 25th) at Clonmel Circuit Court, Judge Thomas Teehan rejected an earlier ruling by the Equality Tribunal that the Christian Brothers High School had acted against the law by refusing 13-year-old John Stokes admission.

He said a rule that only guarantees entry to those who had a parent or brother attend the facility is a necessary step in creating a balanced and proportionate admissions policy.


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Head 'held autistic boy against wall' []

A headmaster has resigned after being accused of manhandling an autistic pupil despite receiving the support of parents at the school including the boy’s mother and father.

James Gallogly, the head of St Benedict's Catholic Primary school in Wilmslow, Cheshire, quit after his "discipline methods" were questioned.

It was claimed that Mr Gallogly, 45, grabbed the eight year-old boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, and pinned him against the wall in the classroom last January.

The youngster, who has autism, has a history of behaviour issues at school and was later excluded for allegedly spitting and biting a teacher and throwing a chair at staff.


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