27th November 2001 - IPPN Commission HayGroup to review the role of Principal Teacher

The Irish Primary Principals' Network (IPPN) has commissioned independent management consultants to review the role of principal teacher.

The role of principal teacher has changed radically in the last five years. Parents, teachers, Dept. of Education and society at large have significantly increased expectations of the principal's role. Parallel to these changes many principals are seeking to relinquish their role and very few younger teachers are applying for principalships.

In response to these developments, the IPPN commissioned Hay Management Consultants to carry out an independent evaluation of the primary principals role. This is the first independent evaluation of the role of principal to be carried out in Ireland. It is designed to lead towards a redefinition of a principal's role in professional management and leadership terms, which will be appropriate to the needs of primary schools.

The process will be inclusive of all Education Partners and is designed to provoke fresh thinking on educational leadership. IPPN research indicates that there is an imminent crisis facing school leadership. A radical and holistic review of the role of principal as well as current school management structures is required to address this problem. IPPN envisages this evaluation process will challenge all principals and Education Partners to think differently about the future role of the principal.

IPPN is leading the process with the Hay questionnaire to all principals.

Hay Management Consultancy

Role profile and evaluation - The Primary Principal

1. Questionnaire to all primary principals
2. Four focus groups (principals) to process key themes and issues from questionnaires.
3. All Education Partners to submit their experience and vision of school leadership based on their own perspective.
4. Examination and collation of leading international research on leadership in education.
5. IPPN Conference 2002 - Public debate (involving all stakeholders) on the future of primary principalship.


IPPN Sponsors

