7th November 2010 - IPPN Statement on Education Cuts
- Last Updated: Monday, 08 November 2010 16:11
Speaking on behalf of the Irish Primary Principals’ Network, Seán Cottrell stated that ‘any reduction in the capitation grant for the running costs of primary schools, would have catastrophic affects. Parents are already contributing between 20% - 40% to the basic running costs of their children’s school. However, Principals are reporting that this level of financial assistance from parents is rapidly reducing due to rising unemployment and salary cuts that are affecting every school community.
‘If the government decides to cut primary school grants, the damage that will result will be detrimental to the foundations of our education system. Every parent and teacher knows the importance of continuity when it comes to educating the young. You cannot 'switch off' or 'switch on' funding in education. An increase in taxation has to be the preferred option to spending cuts in primary education. We can postpone the building of a motorway, but we can never buy back the years a child spends in school – particularly primary school’ continued Mr Cottrell.
‘There is also a moral obligation on all of us to protect the most vulnerable children, and regardless of where it comes from, funding cannot be withdrawn from children with SEN, just 12 years after these children were given access to mainstream education' added Mr Cottrell.
‘Education is universally regarded as a vital component in any strategy to bring about prosperity. It is the 'sine quo non' without which society and the economy cannot succeed. In a time of national crisis, it is critically important that we don’t fall into the trap of damaging the ‘life-line’ that is education. Everyone knows that 3rd level and 2nd level education cannot exist without successful primary education, which provides the foundation for all the follows' stated Mr Cottrell.