29th January - Health and Wellbeing Survey launched

Irish Principals and Deputy Principals Health and Wellbeing survey results launched.

The Irish Primary Principals’ Network (IPPN) launched their Health and Wellbeing survey results today. They were launched at the IPPN’s annual conference in the City West Convention Centre in Dublin.

Dr Philip Riley, from Australia, conducted the survey. It had over 640 responses from principals and deputy principals. The results show almost 73% of responses were female. The average principal has held their position for almost ten years.


Principals contribute to the local communities outside of the school. Nearly 50% of those surveyed volunteer their time to local groups, outside of their job as principal. 63% of principals also conduct regular spiritual practice.

Most principals have a healthy relationship with alcohol and don’t use it as a means to handle stress. In fact there is general optimism from principals towards their job. Only 2.6% becoming frequently depressed.

The Principal Health and Wellbeing Survey was launched at the IPPN Conference on Thursday morning. The conference is the largest educational conference in Ireland, with over 1200 attendees.

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