E-scéal 24: Resourcing of Special Educational Needs

The planned introduction by the DES to implement a 'weighted system' of allocating resources for special education needs, will if implemented, bring about major changes to most schools. While a formula-based system of allocating extra teaching capacity and special assistance for children with SEN, might be welcomed at one level, the benefits of reduced negotiation and administration time could well be offset by other newer problems. Weighted allocation could lead to imbalanced levels of resources between two schools with similar numbers of children but with considerably different SEN levels.

The IPPN Executive has sought an opportunity to meet with DES Officials to present constructive solutions to this problem which will be based on the experience and knowledge of those who are at the front line. An opportunity to present our views will arise in mid-February. Consequently, IPPN is consulting with principals and deputies nationally. We need to devise an innovative and workable plan for consideration by the DES. If you and your staff have views on what might be the best system to allocate resources for SEN to schools, please forward them to office@ippn.ie.

As indicated in Circular 24/03 future SEN resource allocation will not be based on rigid one to one models. Please take this opportunity to consult with your teachers to devise an allocation system which will be equitable and fair to all children, class teachers, support teachers and principals alike. The failure of the DES in the past to consult with principals in the formulation of SEN policy has led to confusing, time-consuming and rigid procedures which are out of touch with the reality of schools. It is high time that we have a workable system in place that allows us put our energies in to teaching and learning rather than unanswered phone calls and tiresome bureaucracy!

Is mise le meas,

Seán Cottrell


IPPN Sponsors

