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Source : The Corkman

School managers disappointed after meeting minister

The Minister for Education h ...

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Source : Irish Independent

Staff Only: Politicians could give lessons in 'underperforming ...

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Source : Irish Independent

Education campaign to intensify, says TUI

MARTIN WALL, Industry Correspond ...

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Source : The Irish Times

PATSY McGARRY, Religious Affairs Correspondent

Wed, Nov 12, 2008

THE ...

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Source : Irish Independent

By Shane Hickey
Thursday November 13 2008

Ed ...

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Source : Irish Independent

By John Walshe
Thursday November 13 2008< ...

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Source : Irish Times (Letters)

Madam, - As a Catholic, Bishop Leo O'Reilly is correct in his claim that the removal of religious teachi ...

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Source : Irish Independent

By John Walshe
Thursday Novem ...

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Source : INTO

The annual INTO Consultative Conference on Education will take place in the Tullamore Court Hotel, on F ...

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Source : Irish Times

O'Keeffe reassures on religious instruction


Thu, Nov 13, 2008

THE CATHOLIC Commission ...

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Source : Irish Times

TEACHERS PET: Buoyed up by his success (thus far) over class size, Minister for Education B ...

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Source : Irish Examiner

By Niall Murray, Education Correspondent
THE €800,000-plus paid to TDs a ...

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Source : Irish Examiner

RELIGIOUS orders that ran children's institutions where abuses took place will not be asked to contribute more to the state compen ...

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Source : Irish Independent (Letters)

The claim in a headline that I called teachers 'scaremong ...

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Source : Irish Times

A PRIMARY school in Co Galway has been described by its own principal as a "rat-infested fire trap".

Elizabeth Mulr ...

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Source : Irish Independent

Thousands of teachers descended on the Taoiseach's constituency over the weekend to ...

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Source : Irish Times

PETITIONS CALLING for the reversal of the education cutbacks were delivered to Taoiseach Brian Cowen's constituency offi ...

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Source : Irish Independent

THE country's biggest unions are expected to ratify the draft national pay dea ...

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