Source : Sunday Independent

Alarming age gaps in country's primary schools
Children as young as three are now sha ...

Category:News Articles

Irish Independent

By John Walshe Education Editor

The share of our national wealth spent on edu ...

Category:News Articles

Enda Kenny was elected as Taoiseach on March 9th 2011. He was elected Leader of Fine Gael in ...

A description of those ancillary staff currently emplyed in the school and their duties.

Andrew Blair

Andrew is President of the Australian Secondary Principals Association and also President of the International Confederation of Principals, which is a worldwide federation of principals' associations. He graduated with a BA in Education Visual Arts fr ...

Angela Lynch is the Principal Advice Manager for IPPN. Prior to taking up this role, Angela taught in Glasheen Girls Schools, Cork, for over 36 years, 20 of these were in a Teaching and Administrative principal role. She ...


Angela is the Principal Advice Manager for IPPN. Prior to taking up this role, Angela taught in Glasheen Girls ...

Angela Lynch - IPPN Principal Advice Manager

Angela2013webPrior to her appointment as IPPN Principal Advice Mana ...

Category:1. Keynotes

Key aspects of effective relationships ; Jim Hayes Developing a Code of Professional Conduct ; Angela Lynch

Source : Irish Independent

By Stephen O'Farrell

Monday November 03 2008

THE Governme ...

Category:News Articles

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