A Framework for Good Practice - Board of Management - Anne McDonagh

Category:Conference 2008

Healthy Food for All has developed A Good Practice Guide for Breakfast Clubs, which provides practical advice on setting up and running breakfast clubs in schools and community settings. The Guide is available to download from their websi ...

An overview of the advocacy work undertaken by the Irish Primary Principals' Network on behalf of members - Category:Publications

A Guide to Whole School Evaluation in Primary Schools outlines the practices and procedures involved in the three stages of the Whole School Evaluation – 1. Pre-evaluation meetin ...

As a result of the highly innovative cross border digital creativity project, ten television programmes that aim to support the professional development of primary teachers North and South will be made available on Information TV on Sky Channel 166 dur ...

Category:News Articles

  • Absence of Special Needs Assistant - General Principles
  • The prior approval of the Chairperson of the Board of Management (BoM) must be granted for all absences of staff, other than sick leave
  • All absences are recorded on the ...

Source : Irish Examiner (Letters)

EDUCATION Minister Batt O'Keeffe recently exposed chronic absenteeism in the teaching profession.

He stated: "Depart ...

Category:News Articles

Simple checklist of school account-related practices for Boards of Management.

IPPN Sponsors

