Shane O'Donnell, IPPN Board Member

Shane is a native of RoscommoShaneODonnelln town and graduated from St. Patrick’s College in 1988. He completed a post-graduate diploma in Educational Leadership in 2004. He taught in various DEIS Band 1 schools in Dublin before becoming teaching principal of Glenealy NS, Co. Wicklow in 2006. He spent six years in Wicklow before returning to his home county in 2012. He is currently teaching principal of Scoil Bhríde, Fourmilehouse, Roscommon. Shane spent five years as an IPPN National Council member before joining the IPPN Board of Directors in February 2019.

Shane is a firm believer in the value of small schools and the key position that they occupy in rural Ireland. He recognises that small schools face many challenges but believes that with proper support they can have a viable future. He hopes to bring the voice of the small school to the Board of Directors.

Deirdre Kelly

DeirdreKelly BW CroppedDeirdre qualified as a Primary Teacher from Froebel College, Blackrock, Dublin in 1993 and completed a Post Graduate in Trinity College in 1994. Deirdre’s experience during her 7 years of teaching in a special school setting in Scoil Eoin, Crumlin, Dublin encouraged her to complete her Masters in Educational Leadership.

Deirdre has taught in both urban and rural locations and has experienced teaching in varying educational contexts. She was appointed as teaching Principal in St Michael’s N.S. in 2004, a 5 teacher rural school located in south County Sligo.

Deirdre is an active member of I.P.P.N. She has served as a National Committee Representative for Sligo for many years, is a trained CSL mentor and is currently facilitating Group Mentoring.

Her commitment to and belief in small schools, recognition of the central role these schools play in rural communities and the significance of supporting principals in these schools will be central to her role as a member of the Board of Directors.

National Council Representatives

The membership of IPPN is organised into 31 City/County Networks, based on the boundaries of the thirty-one City, County and City & County Councils. Each member belongs to the City/County Network in which their school is situated. Each City/County Network has three representatives on our National Council, meaning the Council has a total of 93 representatives on it drawn from all parts of the country and all school contexts.

Click here to view the role of the National Council Representatives

Each of the three representatives from every City/County Network serves on one of the three committees of the National Council so that they can become more involved in, and directly impact, the work of IPPN. The committees are as follows:

2023/2024 - National Council Representatives 

Advocacy Committee 

First Name Last Name City/County Role Type
Rachel Dolan Carlow Administrative Principal
Geraldine Dolan Cavan Administrative Principal
Miriam Smyth Clare Administrative Principal
Anne O'Connell Cork City Administrative Principal
Aidan Crowley Cork County Administrative Principal
Anna Marie Nic Giolla Easpaig Donegal Teaching Principal
Eddie Fox Dublin City Administrative Principal
John Murtagh Dublin DLR Administrative Principal
Karen Byrne Dublin Fingal Administrative Principal
Niamh Thompson Dublin South Administrative Principal
Máire De Brún Galway City Administrative Principal
Aoife O'Connor Galway County Teaching Deputy Principal
Rosemarie Lawlor Kerry Teaching Deputy Principal
Eimear Carey Kildare Administrative Principal
Margaret Keane Kilkenny Teaching Principal
Rory Walsh Laois Teaching Principal
Caroline Healy Leitrim Administrative Principal
James O'Donoghue Limerick Administrative Principal
Frances McDonnell Longford Teaching Principal
Eileen Pike Louth Administrative Principal
Paul Butler Mayo Administrative Principal
Ken Keogan Meath Administrative Principal
Richard Baxter Monaghan Administrative Principal
John Healy Offaly Teaching Principal
Adrian Cregg Roscommon Teaching Principal
Maria Goretti Surlis Sligo Teaching Principal
Will Ryan Tipperary Administrative Principal
Pat O'Mahoney Waterford Administrative Principal
Karena Kavanagh Westmeath Teaching Principal
Vicky Barron Wexford Administrative Principal
Scott Vance Wicklow Administrative Principal

E-services Committee

First Name Last Name City/County Role Type
Helen Oxley Carlow Teaching Principal
Ailish Fay Cavan Administrative Deputy Principal
David Quinn Clare Teaching Principal
Colette Butler Cork City Administrative Principal
Sheila O'Connor Cork County Administrative Principal
Jacinta Walsh Donegal Teaching Principal
Helen Fields Dublin City Teaching Deputy Principal
Irene Connor Dublin DLR Administrative Principal
Ciara Brangan Dublin Fingal Administrative Principal
Michele Hamilton Dublin South Administrative Principal
Siobhan Butler Galway City Teaching Deputy Principal
Jennifer McDonnell Galway County Administrative Principal
Sinead Murphy Kerry Teaching Principal
Rachel Burke Kildare Teaching Deputy Principal
Irene Browne Kilkenny Teaching Principal
Denise Talbot Laois Teaching Principal
Richella Kelly Leitrim Administrative Principal
Liam Guiney Limerick Teaching Principal
Teresa Kearney Longford Administrative Principal
Tom O'Connor Louth Administrative Principal
Seoirse Ó Moráin Mayo Administrative Principal
Maria White Meath Administrative Principal
Carmel McCarroll Monaghan Administrative Principal
Michael McConigley Offaly Administrative Principal
Jacinta Ni Chonghaile Roscommon Teaching Principal
Roy Mitchell Sligo Administrative Principal
Louise Delaney Tipperary Administrative Principal
Maria O'Connor Waterford Administrative Principal
McCarthy Westmeath Administrative Principal
Bernadette Leahy Wexford Teaching Principal
Emer Whyte Wicklow Teaching Deputy Principal

Professional Development Committee 

First Name Last Name City/County Role Type
Rory Healy Carlow Administrative Principal
Serena Prior Cavan Administrative Principal
Orla Brady Clare Teaching Deputy Principal
William Casey Cork City Administrative Principal
Sylvia Linehan Cork County Teaching Principal
Grace McCarron Donegal Teaching Principal
Mary Flynn Dublin City Administrative Principal
Dervla Nic Mhathúna Dublin DLR Administrative Principal
Kieran Lyons Dublin Fingal Administrative Principal
Regina Halpin Dublin South Administrative Principal
Deirbhile Ní Scolai Galway City Teaching Deputy Principal
Ann Lynskey Galway County Teaching Principal
Robbie O'Connell  Kerry Teaching Principal
Eimear Hennessy Kildare Administrative Principal
Anita Foley Kilkenny Teaching Principal
Jackie Cooper Laois Teaching Principal
Paula Loughlin Leitrim Teaching Principal
Niall West Limerick Teaching Principal
Claire Murphy Longford Teaching Principal
Regina O'Malley Louth Teaching Principal
Regina Corrigan Mayo Teaching Principal
Aidan Raftery Meath Administrative Principal
Nuala Mhic Gabhann Monaghan Administrative Principal
Bridget Clear Offaly Administrative Principal
Cora Nevin Roscommon Teaching Principal
Tony Gallagher Sligo Administrative Principal
Siobhan Verdon Tipperary Teaching Principal
Marc de Grás Waterford Administrative Principal
Máire Weitzman Westmeath Teaching Deputy Principal
Gerry Moran Wexford Administrative Principal
Kim Kelly Wicklow Teaching Deputy Principal


Breakdown of leadership roles of National Council members: 

Role  No 
Teaching Principal  29
Administrative Principal  53
Teaching Deputy Principal  10
Admin Deputy Principal  1


School Type  No 
Mainstream  77
Mainstream with Special Classes  11
Special Schools 5


Classification  No 
DEIS Band 1 10
DEIS Band 2 4
DEIS Band Rural 14
Gaelscoil  1
Scoil sa Ghaeltacht  2



Brian O'Doherty, IPPN President

BrianODoherty2019 cropped web


Brian qualified as a primary school teacher in 1988. He began his teaching career in St. Patrick’s Loreto P.S. and served there as a mainstream class teacher for 13 years. He completed his M. Ed during this time, specialising in the areas of Education Management & Administration and Educational Psychology. He was appointed to his first principalship in 2001 in Loreto College Junior School where he worked for 5 years. He returned to St. Patrick’s Loreto P.S. in 2006 as principal. The school currently has an enrolment of just under 800 pupils and has 63 members of staff.

Brian has been a member of IPPN since 2001 and is a former member of the National Council. He was elected to the Board of Directors in 2016 and has served as Treasurer of the organisation from 2017 to 2019. He was elected as IPPN Deputy President/President-elect in June 2019 and is currently serving as President from September 2021 to August 2023.


IPPN Privacy Statement

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At the Irish Primary Principals’ Network (IPPN) we make data protection our business and we want to be clear about how your data is used when you visit our website. We seek your consent to obtain and process personal data for the purpose of providing you with the highest standard of service. We want you to know what we do with your personal data and why and with this privacy statement we aim to be as transparent and granular as possible. Naturally, if you have any questions you can reach out to us at This privacy statement is your guide to the principles of privacy and confidentiality which govern the collection, use, storage, disclosure and destruction of your personal data in this business.

The Information and Compliance Officer in this business is Caroline O’Dea, IPPN Support Office, Glounthaune, Cork.

Obtaining Personal Information

In order to deliver our services IPPN needs to process the following categories of personal data. It is important to obtain, use and store information about you, in order for us to deliver you the best possible service. This personal data includes:

  • Personal details such as your name, age, address, telephone numbers, email address and bank details;

Your personal data is stored on computer and on manual record. We will regularly update your personal data to keep it relevant. We ask that you please inform us of any significant changes, such as a change of address or other contact details, at your earliest convenience.

Lawful basis relied upon: Contract - because you are joining IPPN as a member or you are renewing you membership.

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HR and Finance

The Irish Primary Principles’ Network (IPPN) collects curriculum vitaes (CVs), contact details (name, postal address, email, phone number), timesheets of employees, sick notes, PPSN for employees. Lawful bases relied upon: processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation such as Employment Law and Taxation laws. Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract (Employee Contract of Employment) to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract. Lawful basis relied upon: Contract

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Finance and Accounting

We collect financial data required to comply with Irish Tax law such as VAT numbers, PPS numbers, account details for the purpose of paying and sending invoices.
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We use a third party provider, SurveyMonkey, to deliver our surveys. We select our processors carefully to ensure they also provide sufficient data protection guarantees under European Data Protection Legislation.
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Under some circumstances, we are obligated to share personal data with third parties with whom we have no contractual relationship. Recipients of personal data may include: the Irish revenue commissioner and law enforcement should this be required for the investigation, detection, or prosecution of criminal offenses. Access to your personal data is on a ‘need-to-know’ basis. Every effort is made to ensure disclosed personal data is accurate and transferred securely.
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Personal Data is Kept Safely

The Information and Compliance Officer is responsible for data security in this Business. Obtained personal data is accessed on a ‘need-to-know’ basis and thereafter, is stored securely:

  • There is no access for unauthorised persons to manual records, computers or computer monitors within the business;
  • The operations team is trained in the secure use of email and the internet;
  • The operations team is compliant with the businesses security measures;
  • Manual records are stored under lock and key;
  • The premises is locked when unoccupied;
  • The business software is updated regularly and password protected;
  • Software security is audited;
  • All financial and administrative records are backed up off-site daily by Invistech (IPPN’s IT Managed Service Provider).
  • A contract for the security of off-site records is in place between Invistech and Macrium Software
    The Information and Compliance Officer is responsible for dealing with any incident where personal data has been put at risk of unauthorised disclosure, loss, destruction or alteration. The Irish Primary Principals’ Network’s management of any data breach incident will comply with the advice of the Data Protection Commissioners Office (DPCO).

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Personal Data is Kept Accurate, Complete and up-to-date

A staff member will review your personal information with you on a regular basis to ensure we hold accurate, high quality records for you. Any changes to your personal details will be recorded in your records. We ask you to let us know of any changes in contact details at your earliest convenience.

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Personal Data is Adequate, Relevant and not Excessive

Every effort is made to ensure that the information we collect and retain for you is in keeping with our aim to provide you with an efficient service. We will explain the purpose of any information sought if you are not sure why.

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Personal Data is Retained for no Longer than Necessary
We retain all records for business purposes only. If you are no longer a member of IPPN we will delete your data.  All records are disposed by a secure, certified, method of destruction.

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Your Rights

You have the right to:

  • Request a copy of information we hold about you;
  • Request rectification of the data should there be any mistakes;
  • Object to the use of your data and the right to block any specific uses of your data;
  • Have the data we have on you permanently erased unless we have to retain this data to comply with a legal obligation by European or Member State law or unless we have an overriding interest to retain it;

Where we rely on consent to process your personal data, you may withdraw consent at any time and you do not have to provide a reason for your withdrawal. If you wish to invoke any of the rights above please email us at

Your request will be dealt with in a timely manner.

If you do not wish to have your personal data collected, used or disclosed as described in this Privacy Statement please discuss this matter with

If you have a complaint or concern with any aspect of how we process your personal information we would hope that you would notify in the first place. You retain the right to make a complaint to the Data Protection Commissioner at all times.
If you have any questions in relation to this privacy statement or any issue that arises from it please email with

Data Access requests are facilitated on the submission of a completed Data Access Request Form, which is available by e-mailing

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International Data Transfers

As an organisation, we rely on a few third parties services to make sure we are efficient and effective, for example, we use SurveyMonkey. Data Protection compliance is a precondition in our vendor selection process. Some third parties may transfer data outside of the EU/EEA. All vendors used by IPPN have one or more of the following international data transfer mechanisms in place:

  • Standard Contractual Clauses (Model Clauses)
  • Adequacy Decision from the European Commission
  • Binding Corporate Rules (BCRs)

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Contact Us

Caroline O’Dea
Irish Primary Principals’ Network,
IPPN Support Office
Co. Cork

IPPN Sponsors

