


Schools Electricity Competition
The National Procurement Service (NPS) recently ran a mini-energy competition for 1,155 schools.

If your school is currently an Energia customer you were included in this competition.

Energy Competition Results
This energy competition has resulted in a total saving of €806,157 for the 1,155 schools involved, equivalent to an overall contract saving or cost reduction of 14% on electricity when measured against the current rates.
How to understand the results
Open the NPS Electical Results List below. Have a copy of your previous electricity bill to hand for each MPRN that your school is charged for. Note the MPRN number (11 digit code) on the bill and search the excel file for your MPRN (listed in numerical order). The search should reveal:

• Your electricity costs per annum under your current contract
• The estimated cost of electricity per annum when you sign up to the NPS contract
• The estimated savings per annum that will be made when you sign up to the NPS contract.
• The Lot number that your MPRN is included in
• The supplier of electricity when you sign up to the NPS contract

Contract Signature
In order to avail of these new rates hardcopy contracts must be signed by your Board of Management and reach the NPS office by the 30th of June 2012. NPS will then forward them to the relevant supplier(s). The contract period is for 18 months commencing on 1st July 2012. Schools will not be switched over to the new supplier until such time as the contract has been fully signed by both parties.

All lot contracts are available to download below.  Please ensure that you complete the correct lot contract by simply matching your MPRN number with the Lot Number on the NPS Electrical Results List below.

Winning suppliers for each Lot are as follows:
Energia – Lots 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 & 10
Electric Ireland – Lot 1 & 9

When you are happy with the results print off the relevant contract, fill in the details and return by post to:

National Procurement Service (NPS)
C/O Bernadette Mangan
Jonathan Swift Street
Co Meath.

The relevant supplier will make contact with you once you return your signed contract to the NPS.

Supplier contact details

Supplier Contact Details
Energia Helena Cleavers/Claire Slevin helena.cheevers@energia.ie/ claire.slevin@energia.ie
ESB Gerard Hensey gerard.hensey@electricireland.ie

Best Practice

The current standing charges will be reduced significantly for schools, which effectively means a school will save money during the holiday period when very little electricity is actually consumed.

In order to assist with cash flow across the summer months NPS recommends that you submit a meter read (to your supplier) at the close of the school term and again at the start of the school term to ensure that the suppliers don’t over or under estimate usage during the holiday period.

To assist with this process please view the Meter Read - How To guide below on meter reading.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact NPS staff at the following email:

Click here for details on how to read your meter
Click here for NPS Electrical Results
Click here for details on National Procurement Service (NPS)

Click here to download Lot 1 Contract
Click here to download Lot 3 Contract
Click here to download Lot 4 Contract
Click here to download Lot 5 Contract
Click here to download Lot 7 Contract
Click here to download Lot 8 Contract
Click here to download Lot 9 Contract
Click here to download Lot 10 Contract



















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