Exhibition Stand Bookings

IPPN Annual Conference 2010 – Exhibitors

Exhibition Stand Bookings

Are you aware that the majority of attendees to IPPN’s annual Conference & Trade Expo indicate that the exhibitors on site influence their decision making in the following year?

IPPN is the officially recognised professional body for leaders of Irish Primary schools. These are the individuals who can and do effect change in the field of education, and you'll find them in attendance at the IPPN’s 2010 Annual Conference & Trade Expo.

Recognised as one of the most highly valued professional development opportunities available, IPPN’s Annual Conference arms Primary school leaders with the experience and essential resources to improve their leadership abilities and their schools. And you won't find any other Trade show with as many Principals in attendance.

Simply follow the steps below to secure your stand.*

Sign Up Now:

  1. View the Exp Floorplan.. 
  2. Fill out the Booking Form. Contact Louise O’Brien on 1890 21 22 23 or e-mail adverts@ippn.ie should you have any difficulty in downloading this form.
  3. Be sure to sign the Booking Form and Terms & Conditions.
  4. Return the signed Booking Form and Terms & Conditions and return to IPPN along with full payment.
    Full payment is required and must accompany the Booking Contract for exhibition space to be assigned.
    Checks must be made payable to IPPN.
  5. Post your application and payment to:
    Louise O’Brien
    IPPN Support Office
    Co. Cork
  6. *Stands are allocated on a first-come first-served basis with full payment acting as confirmation pending availability. We will contact you upon receipt of your Booking Contract and payment to confirm the availability of your preferred stand and discuss alternative options should this not be available.

For queries on the above contact Louise O’Brien at 1890 21 22 23 or e-mail adverts@ippn.ie



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Prize Draws

IPPN Annual Conference 2010 – Exhibitors

Grand Prize Draw Options

Passport Giveaway

Exhibitors are invited to provide grand prize items (minimum value of €500). Attendees receive a Passport Giveaway Card as part of their conference pack. To take part they must have their Passport Card stamped at each participating stand. The prize giving will take place on the main stage during Friday evenings Gala Dinner.

Participating companies receive:

? company logo and prize information printed on the Passport Card

? company logo and prize information included in the Passport Giveaway advert within the conference programme

? company accreditation during the Grand Prize Draw at the Gala Dinner

?company accreditation in the post conference issue of Leadership+ (including prize-giving photos).

*Prizes are subject to IPPN approval.

Number of prizes is limited and the closing date for consideration is Friday 11th December, 2009.


Evaluation Forms

The Conference Evaluation Forms are distributed to all attendees as part of their conference pack upon arrival. Conference attendees are asked to fill-out and return these forms before their departure at the end of the conference. By providing a high value prize (min value €2,000) your company will receive:

? company logo and description on Evaluation forms

? accreditation as sponsor of the Evaluation forms in the Conference Programme

? logo and credit on IPPN’s website to promote your company - including a link to your website

? accreditation as contributing sponsor on all pre- and post-conference communication

? option on evaluation form for interested Principals to request more information from sponsor. (opt-in tick box).   
All interested parties’ details will be forwarded directly to sponsor for follow up.

*The closing date for consideration is Friday 11th December, 2009.

Stand Prize Draws

Exhibitors are welcome to advertise and hold giveaways within the confines of their exhibition stand. IPPN does not take responsibility for individual exhibitor giveaways or the subsequent distribution of prizes.

For queries on the above opportunities contact Nicole Walsh at 086 4029405 or e-mail marketing@ippn.ie



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IPPN Annual Conference 2010 – Exhibitors

Advertising Options

Conference Programme Advertising

Make the most of your presence at IPPN’s Expo by investing in advertising in the conference programme. All 1,000+ conference attendees receive a hard copy of this programme as part of their welcome pack at the conference and it is used multiple times during the convention to receive the crucial info they need.
An electronic copy of the programme is circulated to all schools immediately post conference.

Advertising in the 2010 Programme gives you visibility, brings traffic to your exhibition stand during the show and provides you with valuable face time with hot prospects. Principals also take this valuable tool back to their schools for others to view.

? Full page, full colour: €1,200

? Half page, full colour: €800

? Quarter page, full colour: €600

*Copy deadline for inclusion is Friday 11th December 2009.

Insert in Conference Bag

All conference attendees receive a high quality conference bag. Placing an insert in every conference bag provides a direct marketing opportunity to reach all attendees.
? €2,000  (Inserts subject to IPPN review & approval).

*Copy deadline for inclusion is Friday 8th January 2010.


Exhibitor Listing

Why not increase your presence in the Conference Programme from your Company name and stand number to

100 words informing attendees about the products you will be exhibiting and a colour logo.
*Copy deadline for inclusion is Friday 11th December 2009.


For queries on the above opportunities contact Louise O’Brien at 1890 21 22 23 or e-mail adverts@ippn.ie

to follow

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Conference Sponsorship

IPPN Annual Conference 2010 - Sponsorship Options



Event Sponsorship

Survive and thrive in these economic times by investing in your core audience. At the IPPN Conference Trade Expo you will have access to over 1,000 Primary school leaders plus the additional audience of principals, teachers and parents visiting the Trade Expo independently. Research shows that companies who continue to advertise and sponsor in down times are the ones who make the fastest recoveries when the economy goes back up. Sponsoring an event at the IPPN Conference will support you to position your organisation for future success.

Why not join our current 2010 Annual Conference sponsors CJ Fallon, Carambola Kidz, and IMEX Interactive by investing in one of the two remaining sponsorship opportunities:  
1. The 2010 Conference Bags.
This black shoulder bag is distributed to every conference attendee with remaining stock distributed at additional IPPN Professional events throughout the year. The print space is 100 x 100mm. 
2. The Conference Wine.
IPPN is seeking a wine sponsor for both the President's Reception on the Thursday night and the Gala Dinner on the Friday night of the conference.

Click here for a complete list of promotion related to these sponsorships

Due to print timings the following confirmation deadlines apply to the remaining sponsorship options:
Conference Packs: Thursday 10th December, 2009
Conference Wine: Mon 21st December, 2009

To discuss your specific needs or to receive a proposal, please contact:

Nicole Walsh, Marketing Manager
M: 086 4029405
E: marketing@ippn.ie

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Seminar Registration

to follow

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IPPN Sponsors

