E-scéal 284 - Employing a Substitute Teacher

From a Principal’s perspective, the employment of a substitute teacher by the Board of Management is sometimes planned for a considerable length of time; usually when the teacher has given notice of their impending absence.  However, in most instances the teacher’s absence is caused by sudden illness, giving the Principal little time to prepare.


When a substitute teacher is being employed, there are a number of steps to be taken to ensure the suitability of the teacher both professionally and from a Child Protection perspective.

Employing a Substitute Teacher - A step-by-step guide for Principals has been compiled by IPPN as a convenient list of requirements, procedures  and best practice to be followed prior to the substitute teacher taking up duty.

We have also been asked by the Teaching Council to bring the following information in relation to the employment of substitute teachers to your notice:

Each school should ensure that substitute teachers employed by that school are registered with the Teaching Council. The current registration status of any teacher can be determined on the Teaching Council website in the section entitled ‘Search the Register’ (http://www.teachingcouncil.ie/). Please note that the provision of a Garda Vetting letter from the Teaching Council does not constitute proof of registration.

Click here to download Employing a Substitute Teacher - A step-by-step guide for Principals

Le meas

Seán Cottrell & Gerry Murphy


IPPN Sponsors

