E-scéal 460 - IPPN Pre-Budget Submission & Autumn Meetings

This week's e-scéal contains useful information on the following:


  • Planning Prompts
  • Pre-Budget Submission 2017
  • Membership 2016/2017 – Renewal 
  • IPPN Autumn Meetings
  • Centre for School Leadership
  • Diabetes Ireland
  • Teachers’ Car Insurance



Pre-Budget Submission 2017
IPPN have previously engaged with members and received 1,332 responses directly from principals, identifying the top Principals’ Priorities. These are compiled and submitted to the Department of Finance and the Department of Education and Skills. Our submission identifies 10 priorities for the primary education Budget 2017.

Membership 2016/2017 – Renewal
Please note the closing date for Membership Renewal is Friday, September 30th. If you are unable to locate your membership form, click here access the online version.


IPPN Autumn Meetings
We are heading into our final week of the Autumn Meetings, where a member of the IPPN Board of Directors will attend and present on a number of topics including Fitness to Teach, Complaints and Grievance Procedures.

Upcoming meetings are:
Monday, October 3rd @ 4pm - Mayo: Mayo Education Centre, Kildare: Kildare Education Centre
Tuesday, October 4th @ 4pm - Offaly: Tullamore Court Hotel, Limerick: Radisson Blu

Local County Network Committees are elected at these meetings. Click here for further info about local committees.

It is critical that Local Networks are as vibrant and active as possible to ensure that collegial and professional dialogue is facilitated by local principals. Local networks form a direct link to the national network where professional conversations and issues continue to be highlighted and discussed.


Mentor Training with the Centre for School Leadership
The closing date for the next round of formal Mentor Training with CSL is next Monday, October 3rd. The training takes place in Kilkenny, Portlaoise, Ennis and Monaghan. Please go to the “Apply to be a Mentor” section on the home page of the website at www.cslireland.ie for the application form and the training dates. Substitution and travel expenses will be provided. You must have five years’ experience as a school principal to apply or to be retired for less than two years. The CSL Team look forward to working with you over the course of this school year.


Type 1 Diabetes and the SNA
In a recent Irish study of over 400 primary school children with T1D, over 50% reported having shared access to a Special Needs Assistant (SNA). While there is extensive literature regarding teachers’ knowledge of T1D, there is no information regarding the diabetes knowledge and attitudes of SNAs. Diabetes Ireland has constructed a brief anonymous online questionnaire to explore this. The survey is solely for SNAs and is open to those with and without experience of caring for a child with T1D. The survey can be accessed at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2YH6QDQ. Diabetes Ireland would be grateful if you could pass this information to any SNAs in your school for completion over the coming weeks.
Useful websites - www.diabetes.ie. See also 'Managing Chronic Health Conditions at School' resource for schools at www.ippn.ie in the Resources / School Policies menu.

Teachers’ Car Insurance - Using their cars for School Business
Liability for passengers in a car in any capacity is a matter solely for the teacher’s motor insurance. Teachers are free to arrange their motor insurance with whatever insurer they wish. However, they should be aware that such insurance may or may not cover their liability in relation to school business (taking pupils to a match or to hospital in an emergency, carrying school equipment, travelling to CPD during school hours, etc.) Read More



Is sinne le meas

Sean Cottrell & Maria Doyle

IPPN Sponsors

