E-scéal 470 - Paul O'Connell - IPPN Conference 2017

This week's e-scéal contains useful information on the following:


  • Planning Prompts
  • Paul O’Connell– Speaking at IPPN Conference 2017
  •  Administrative Deputy Principals
  • IPPN Member Consultation Survey
  • IPPN Leadership Award 2017
  • NCCA Consultation Process – Structure and time in the Primary Curriculum





Speaking at IPPN Conference 2017
Paul O’Connell - Ireland and Munster Rugby Legend
Paul O'Connell is an iconic figure, respected in and beyond the rugby world and widely regarded as one of sport's finest ambassadors. Renowned as one of the best second rows and among the finest captains in world rugby, Paul's inspirational leadership on the pitch has been mirrored by his dedication to public causes. His is an authentic and authoritative voice that engenders respect and genuine engagement across many audiences.

Paul will address IPPN Conference on Friday afternoon - an opportunity not to be missed. Book now for conference.

Please click here to view Our Conference 2017 promo video.

Administrative Deputy Principals
As part of our ongoing membership engagement, IPPN would like to assemble a focus group of administrative deputy principals. If you are interested in taking part early in the New Year, please email Pat Goff directly to pat.goff@ippn.ie.

IPPN Member Consultation Survey
This year’s pre-conference survey includes new categories such as staff disaffection, Aistear and curriculum change as well as new questions on principals’ wellbeing and the level of pupil anxiety in schools. Your input will be invaluable to IPPN in enhancing services and supports for school leaders as well as clarifying key aspects of educational leadership - to improve the impact of our advocacy work.

We would greatly appreciate if you could take 10-15 minutes out of your busy schedule to answer the survey questions.

Click here to take the survey.

IPPN Leadership Award 2017
Do you know a current primary school principal or deputy principal worthy of acknowledgement of their leadership qualities? Then why not nominate them for the IPPN Leadership Award? This award will honour and recognise their exceptional leadership qualities as a school leader. The chosen recipient of this award will be presented with a cash prize at IPPN’s Annual Principals’ Conference on Friday, 27th January. All current primary school principals and deputy principals are eligible for nomination. Nominations can be made by a staff member, parent or the broader school community. This year’s award is kindly sponsored by Primary Planning Tool.

For further information please click here.

To make your nomination now please answer these short questions here.

NCCA Consultation Process – Structure and time in the Primary Curriculum – Have your say!
The NCCA published their consultation process regarding Structure & Time in the Primary Curriculum on their website yesterday (Wednesday 14th Dec). It is important that principals, deputy principals and teachers participate in this consultation phase. Click here to find out more.


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