9th November – Teacher Supply survey results / Final Call to Register for Conference

This week’s e-scéal includes information on the following:


Survey highlights acute teacher shortages
On Monday 6th November, IPPN, in conjunction with the INTO and the CPSMA, published the results of an extensive survey highlighting an acute teacher shortages in primary and special schools, which are particularly impacting vulnerable children and their vital school supports.

Click here to view the joint statement

Planning Prompts
The PIEW Framework developed by IPPN provides a practical model to enable school leaders to prioritise, control and manage the flow of initiatives and structure workload. There are many resources on the IPPN website, including the following Resource Bundle, providing guidance and information on the best use of this framework, supported by the school’s SSE and SIP.

[Read More]

Leadership+ Issue 129
As a newly appointed principal in 2019, I was naturally faced with a wide variety of challenges but felt fortunate to have the many supports provided by IPPN, PDST, CSL and ESCI made available to me. As part of the PDST Misneach programme, I was assigned a CSL mentor. I was very fortunate to be matched with a wonderful mentor who became a consistent source of knowledge, encouragement, counsel and wisdom.

Click here to view the article

One week to IPPN Annual Principals’ Conference 2023!
Spotlight on our Keynote Speakers / Final Call to Register
Professor Patricia Mannix-McNamara

Patricia is Head of the School of Education at UL. A qualified post-primary teacher, her PhD examined supervisory relationships from a critical theory perspective. Patricia teaches courses on leadership, teacher professionalism, and research methods in Ireland and abroad.

Click here to find out more about conference keynote speakers

Final few places remaining. Registration closes tomorrow 10th November. See ippn.ie.

Networking Mailing List
As part of our ongoing review of the supports and services offered to members, we conducted an internal audit of our mailing list facility. Arising from that audit, the need for a redevelopment of the mailing list facility was established to better support and protect members. That redevelopment has now commenced.

[Read more]

Key Updates

Please bring these updates to the attention of the Board of Management, staff and parents as appropriate

With regard to grant funding and the timing of same, IPPN sought clarification from FSSU and the Central Funds Unit in the Department. We will update members via E-scéal on any information that is provided.

Cost of living measure to support increased school running costs

STEM Learning Grant – Apply by 27th November

FSSU – Monthly reporting template webinar for new users

Keeping Childhood Smartphone Free


Key Dates in November

  • World Kindness Day – 13th
  • International Students' Day – 17th
  • International Men's Day – 19th
  • World Children's Day – 20th

IPPN Sponsors

