E-scéal 13th March 2025 - Class Allocation / New Climate Action Summer Works Scheme

  • Teachtaireacht ó Uachtarán Phríomhoidí & Leas-Phríomhoidí Bunscoile Éireann
  • Planning Prompts
  • Professional Guidance – Class Allocation
  • Climate Action Summer Works Scheme
  • Circulars
  • DE Updates
  • 50 Years of Boards of Management
  • Information for Boards of Management - Schools insured with Allianz
  • IPPN Roadshow - Workshops
  • Leadership+ Issue 136 – A Tale of 12 Presidents
  • Be Well, Lead Well
  • Did you know?

Teachtaireacht ó Uachtarán Phríomhoidí & Leas-Phríomhoidí Bunscoile Éireann


Planning Prompts
At this time of year, with the many activities planned, lack of communication or a breakdown in communication often leads to conflict. When complaints arise, it is important that school policies in respect of conflict management are clearly understood by all in the school community. It is equally important that discussion takes place with regard to each person’s responsibility and the part they play in resolving conflict. Conflict is inevitable and being prepared facilitates better outcomes for all. This may be a good time to review these policies and communicate to members of the school community as appropriate.

The Leadership Support Team is here to guide and support you when dealing with conflicts and difficult conversations. Call 021 4872 40 70 or email advice@ippn.ie and a member of the Leadership Support Team will contact you.

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Professional Guidance – Class Allocation
For many school leaders, the annual challenge of which teachers will teach which classes can sometimes prove to be problematic. The school leader must weigh the options carefully, bearing in mind the preferences of teachers, the needs of the school or a particular class and other information particular to a school situation that may influence decisions. To be clear from the outset, the function of allocating teachers to classes is both a duty and a responsibility of the Principal. This means that the parents, the Board of Management and the staff of the school cannot and must not be part of the final decision-making process.

Read Guidance

New DE Climate Action Summer Works Scheme
Minister McEntee has announced details of a new multi-annual Climate Action Summer Works Scheme for schools, which will open for applications in early May / Osclaíonn an tAire McEntee próiseas iarratais do Scéim nua Oibreacha Samhraidh um Ghníomhú ar son na hAeráide

Key points

  • It now has a strong climate dimension enables schools to undertake small and medium scale maintenance and improvement works
  • It also includes the traditional maintenance work associated with this scheme
  • Funding approvals will involve a spread of categories, helping schools to obtain value for money
  • A new category - Climate Action Works - which includes attic/cavity wall insulation, bike rack, LED lighting and Electric Vehicle charging provision
  • The Scheme will facilitate multi-annual funding for schools
  • Applications open May 2025. School authorities submit applications by 30 June 2025.
  • School authorities will be notified in Q4 2025 of the first tranche of successful applications for delivery in summer 2026, providing a good lead-in period to manage the planning, organisation, procurement and delivery of their projects
  • School authorities will identify the project in most urgent need of funding from the Scheme. Each school can apply for one project and, with the support of a professional Architect or Engineer, will be responsible for the delivery of the project on a devolved basis.
  • The Scheme includes an obligation on schools to sign up to a system of online reporting of energy use through the Sustainable Energy Association of Ireland (SEAI).



0022/2025 - Postgraduate Certificate/Diploma of Teacher Professional Learning for Teachers working with Students with Special Educational Needs – Autism / - Clár Teastais/Dioplóma Iarchéime um Fhorbairt Ghairmiúil Leanúnach do Mhúinteoirí atá ag obair le Scoláirí a bhfuil Riachtanais Speisialta Oideachais Uathachas acu


DE Updates

Review of Section 11 Admissions to Schools Act
The Education (Admissions to School) act requires that the Minister carry out a review of the operation of this section after a five-year period.

As required by the act, all schools have reported that their admission policies do not contain selection criteria that give a priority to applicants based on religion, except for minority religion schools. Therefore, all schools have reported that they are fully compliant with the requirements of Section 11.

  • Over 94% of primary schools that responded have indicated that they have a religious ethos, 6% are minority religion schools.
  • 4% of all schools include the protection for children of a minority religion in the school’s admission policy. 2.6% of all schools have utilised the provision in allocating a school place to applicants of a minority religion.
  • 82% of primary schools responded that they were not oversubscribed in any year during the review period 2019-2023.

In conclusion, the policy aims of section 11 of the act have been achieved. No primary school is using religion as selection criterion. The protections put in place for those from a minority religion are working effectively. 

Briefing for Ministers McEntee and Moynihan 2025


Educational Psychologists

New Programme will result in substantial increase in the number of qualified educational psychologists available to NEPS / Fáiltíonn an tAire McEntee roimh Chlár nua Dochtúireachta Gairmiúla sa tSíceolaíocht Oideachais arna fhorbairt ag Ollscoil Mhá Nuad

IPPN Roadshow – Workshops

Coming to a venue near you in March

Leadership+ Issue 136 - February - A Tale of 12 Presidents
Damian White
Over 25 years, IPPN has been excellently served by 12 Presidents, each for two years, with our Founding President Jim Hayes serving a third year as a fledgling organisation left port and faced into the uncertain winds of the high seas. Each President came into the role having served IPPN and school leadership well, and embraced whatever challenges came their way during their term. Each brought expertise in different areas and generously shared the benefits of their knowledge with the executive and members.

Be Well, Lead Well
Tip #12 Breathwork – Keith Ó Brolacháin
Last year, a visit to the school from Dr. Joe O’Connell offered a pivotal moment of clarity. His words— the willingness to change starts with the person—resonated deeply. I decided to act, enrolling in the Certified Journey the Breath Facilitator course. This decision transformed my life, both personally and professionally.
As a school leader, breathwork has helped me navigate the complexities of my role with a new sense of calm and clarity. I’m more aware of my own emotional triggers and better equipped to manage tense situations with composure. Through breathwork, I’ve developed a greater capacity to hold space for others, whether it’s staff, students, or parents.
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Did you know?

Take Care’ Toolkit Launch – re. Children in Care
EPIC, Empowering People in Care, Tusla Education Support Service (TESS) and Kids’ Own invite you to the launch of a toolkit designed to support schools in understanding and meeting the needs of children and young people in care.
It takes place from 13.00 to 14.00 on Thursday, 3 April 2025 at the Ombudsman for Children’s Office, Millennium House First Floor, 52 Great Strand Street, Dublin 1 (DO1 F5P8). A light lunch will be served after.

MIC Conference 'Well What? Interrogating Wellbeing Across the Education Continuum'
On Saturday June 7th, Mary Immaculate College will host a Conference 'Well What? Interrogating Wellbeing Across the Education Continuum'. The Call for Abstracts is now open and registration for the Conference will open on March 18th.
More information

Central Statistics Office – Teacher Feedback on Current Resources
The CSO is updating its Census in Schools resources - Census in Schools 2022 - CSO - Central Statistics Office - for the 2027 Census.
It is seeking teacher feedback on the current resources via an online survey by Friday 28 March

NUI Maynooth - International Universal Design for Learning Symposium: Changing Mindsets, Changing Practice
The symposium will be held in The Westgrove Hotel, Clane, Co Kildare on 15th and 16th September 2025.
The deadline for proposals is 5pm on Friday March 28th, 2025. Proposals (500 words max) describing the topic of your workshop/session.
More information

Email queries to UDLsymposium@mu.ie

IPPN Sponsors

