- Published: 06 March 2009
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- Published: 26 November 2008
ordinary text with fádáéóí etc.
- Published: 26 November 2008

- Published: 26 November 2008
Group texts to parents' mobiles
- Published: 03 November 2008
- the officially recognised professional body for leaders of Irish Primary schools.
- an independent, not-for-profit voluntary association with a local, regional and national presence.
- an official Education Partner, working with the Department of Education & Science, the National Parents' Council, management bodies, unions, education agencies, academic institutions and children's charities towards the advancement of primary education.
- facilitate professional development.
- provide guidance and advice.
- deliver a range of bespoke web based services.
- survey Principal's experience and opinion.
- conduct and publish education research.
- influence education policy development.
- negotiate commercially for the benefit of members and schools.
IPPN articulates
- the collective knowledge and professional experience of 6,600 Principals and Deputy Principals.
- the day-to-day reality of over 500,000 children being educated in Ireland's 3,300 Primary Schools.