Early Years Inspection Model – Birth to 6 Years: DE Inspectorate Consultation

The Department of Education Inspectorate has opened a public consultation on the Revised Early Years Education Inspection Model – Birth to 6 years.

To fill in the online survey, which is open to all those interested in supporting and promoting the development of high quality early childhood education experiences for children aged from birth to 6 years click HERE. The survey will be open online until 25 February 2022.

If you would prefer to submit comments to IPPN for collation into a formal submission, please email project@ippn.ie before the Christmas break.

IPPN Submission - Garda vetting legislation

In late November, IPPN was asked by the Department of Education to review proposed legislation regarding Garda Vetting and to respond by 5 December. This did not give sufficient time to engage with members, as IPPN would always wish to do. IPPN has consistently communicated this issue to the Department and the Primary Education Forum. Given the significant issues that have arisen in schools over the past 10 days, the submission is limited to the key issues and recommendations. The submission is available by clicking HERE. Your username and password is required to access the document.

Reminder: Teaching Council Registration Renewal

The Teaching Council released figures this week highlighting the number of teachers who have yet to renew their Teaching Council Registration.  Teachers are advised to renew their registration without delay before the period of registration expires.  Renewal can be completed on the Teaching Council’s new ‘MyRegistration’ portal launched in October.  Portal support is available by email to members on myreghelp@teachingcouncil.ie.  It is imperative that a teacher’s registration does not lapse, as under legislation a teacher will be removed from the register and salary will not be paid.  A teacher will be required to complete the full application process again, including vetting and it will not be backdated for periods of time where they were unregistered.

Covid ar Scoil – DE Updates

There have been a number of updates to IPPN’s Covid ar Scoil Resource Bundle in recent days following the issuing of Department of Education guidance to schools. These include:

  • FAQs on Mask Wearing: In response to earlier Department of Education Guidance to schools on the wearing of face masks by pupils, the department has now published 15 FAQs for schools.
  • Information Note 0027/2021 – The Department of Education has issued a new information note regarding the working and leave arrangements for teachers and SNAs for the 2021/2022 school year. The information note updates certain sections of DE Circular 42/2021. It also includes an appendix of some revised scenarios that apply under specific circumstances.

Storm Barra - HR & Admin Queries

The Department of Education has confirmed that schools who closed due to Storm Barra red and orange weather alerts will not be required to make up the time lost.

All substitute teachers scheduled to work on Tuesday 7 and Wednesday 8 December will be paid as normal. There is no requirement for schools to record the closures on OLCS. Schools are advised to continue recording the teaching/non-teaching staff absences on the OLCS and input the associated substitution claims.

IPPN Sponsors

