Virtual Exhibition Terms & Conditions 2021

Virtual Exhibition Terms & Conditions 2021

Infographics - Returning to school Guidance for teaching and learning Junior Infants - 2nd class

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Dismantling Inequity in Education - ICP in conversation with Mary Robinson, Former President of Ireland

Free for IPPN members, this webinar takes place on Wednesday 23rd February at 11am - you can register to attend live or to access the recording after the event.

The International Confederation of Principals (ICP) developed its own definition of Equity in 2019, to encourage, support and inspire its membership to develop a deeper understanding of what equity means in the context of education.
Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland and Chair of 'The Elders', has worked extensively to promote peace, justice and human rights globally for many years. Former IPPN President Maria Doyle, who is the European Representative on the ICP Executive, will discuss inequity in education with Mary Robinson, a subject about which she is passionate and a key strategic objective of The Elders.

This webinar is designed to:

  • focus school leaders on what is happening in their own communities and inspire them to look at what equity means for them within their own context
  • encourage school leaders to create an environment where they can build a fair system within their own school communities, while recognising and identifying the challenges preventing real progress in this area
  • inspire school leaders to recognise the potential for education to be a vehicle for effective action towards Dismantling Inequity
  • encourage school leaders to become influencers in the area of Equity in Education by having conversations with system leaders
  • remind school leaders that the COVID 19 pandemic has highlighted the inequities in our education systems globally and that we as school leaders
  • can grasp the opportunity to proactively amplify these inequities while they are spotlighted during this crisis.


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IPPN Health & Safety Advice For School Leaders Re Partial Re-opening

The following advice has been sourced from a professional Health and Safety Consultant with a background in school related Health and Safety issues

 Planning for return of in-person learning at primary level – January 2021
The Government’s “Work Safely Protocol” ( requires St. Project’s National School to put policies and practices in place to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Our Covid-19 policy statement is our commitment to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all our employees, learners and others who visit our school.

The Covid-19 response plan provides an overview of key areas that St. Project’s Primary School assesses to ensure compliance with all necessary protocols and procedures and to minimise the risk to employees, learners and others. The BOM has reviewed existing covid protocols and the school safety statement and can confirm that St. Project’s Primary School is in compliance with all current government and public health advice and guidance.

The BOM is adhering to the provisions of the “Work Safely Protocol” and in particular the pre-return-to-work provisions for all staff members returning to work. All new staff will be required to undertake induction training. This will be done using the HSA ( and DES ( online induction programmes. All other staff should keep up to date with public health advice as knowledge about Covid-19 continues to evolve. The latest up to-date advice and guidance can be found on the following websites:;;; and

The BOM will continue to provide necessary information and advice to staff on the Covid-19 measures in St. Projects including their Covid-19 Response Plan and points of contact for addressing covid related matters at work.

The BOM and staff have a shared responsibility to implement the measures contained in the St. Project’s Response Plan.

IPPN Proposed Fundamental Points For Consideration By Schools

Children in Special Classes

  1. The proposal by the DES for the partial return of pupils with SEN is contingent on full agreement being reached with all Unions in the Primary School sector. This has not yet been achieved
  2. School Leaders are advised to contact the parents of those children to ascertain if they wish their child to return to school or to continue to engage with on-line learning from home
  3. School Leaders are advised to plan, with the relevant Special Class Teachers, for how in-school learning can be delivered to those special class pupils who wish to avail of it. This includes mobilising the Special Class Teachers and SNAs who will be required. These staff members will be required to confirm to the principal that their COVID-19 status has not changed since they last completed a RTW form
  4. School Leaders are advised to liaise with the Chairperson of the BoM in relation to the plan.


Children with SEN in Mainstream Classes

  • 1. The proposal by the DES for the partial return of pupils with SEN is contingent on full agreement being reached with all Unions in the Primary School sector. This has not yet been achieved
  • 2.  School Leaders are advised in the first instance to identify those children with critical and significant additional needs. The following may help to identify this cohort of children:

  • Accessing support at the School Support Plus stage of the Continuum of Support e.g. children who are assessed as having Autism, sensory impairment and other disabilities such as Down syndrome etc. Receiving specific individualised interventions, teaching approaches and / or learning activities
  • Have a level of SEN which is beyond the additional teaching support provided for children with mild learning difficulties, or who require additional teaching support in literacy and numeracy at whole school support or additional classroom support level
  • Be considered socially vulnerable by their teachers. This opinion should be based on their knowledge and experience of the children and their home circumstances
  • Further clarification to identify children in this cohort may be found in the DES publication “Guidelines for Primary Schools: Supporting Pupils with Special Educational Needs in Mainstream Schools”, published in April 2017
  • Following consultation between the mainstream class teacher, SET teacher and other relevant personnel, a child may be considered for face-to-face support based on the level of need and resources available
  • 3. Having identified the pupils concerned, the school leader, SENCO, designated SET or class teacher should contact the parents of those children to ascertain if they wish their child to be considered for return to school or to continue to engage with on-line learning from home
  • 4.School Leaders are advised to plan, with the relevant Class Teachers and Special Education Teachers, for how in-school learning can be delivered to those pupils who wish to avail of it. It will also cater for how remote learning for those SEN pupils who do not wish to come into the school or who, although not in the above cohort, have been receiving remote support from a SET.

School Leaders will need to identify, and mobilise, those SETs and SNAs who will be required to implement the in-school and remote elements of the plan. These staff members will be required to confirm to the principal that their COVID-19 status has not changed since they last completed a RTW form.

In devising this plan, a certain amount of flexibility will be required. There may be pupils who wish to avail of in-school learning, and pupils who have been receiving remote support from a SET teacher and who, because they are not the above cohort or because their parents do not wish them to attend for in-school lessons at present, will still require on-line support from a SET. The plan may require that some SETs conduct in-school lessons while others continue to provide remote support. Some schools may decide that SETs will provide a blend of in-school support for some pupils and remote support for others.

School Leaders are advised to plan for a gradual implementation of the plan, ensuring that pupil and staff safety remains paramount.

School Leaders are advised to liaise with the Chairperson of the BoM in relation to the plan

IPPN Sponsors

