Tri Nations Blether

Tri Nations Blether

New mental health and wellbeing resource for schools

Jigsaw, the youth mental health charity, has launched the Jigsaw Schools Hub -  A new resource offering schools across Ireland the latest tools and information to help support young people’s mental health and wellbeing. Information and resources for school leaders are provided in dedicated sections of the website.

At a growing range of resources for school staff, created by the Jigsaw team in collaboration with young people, school staff and parents has been made available.  

The charity recognises the demands faced by school staff during these extraordinary times and wants to ensure that school staff have access to the resources they need to feel confident and comfortable exploring mental health and wellbeing with young people. 

The resources contribute to delivering a mental health and wellbeing programme as part of the school curriculum. They have been tailored to support school leaders, staff and students during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

What you will find… 

  • An Introduction to youth mental health toolkit to help school staff explore mental health and wellbeing with young people in the classroom. 
  • Ways to support and look after one’s own mental health. As young people are supported, it is important to remember to take the time for self-care and to look after one’s wellbeing as a school leader. 
  • What school leaders can do to create a whole-school approach that supports staff and students with their mental health and wellbeing. It looks at what a whole-school approach to mental health means and how this can help the school community. 

At the Jigsaw Schools Hub you will find a growing range of up-to-date resources, tools and information to help in supporting the wellbeing of the school community.

Find out more at 


Jigsaw, the youth mental health charity, has launched the Jigsaw Schools Hub -  A new resource offering schools across Ireland the latest tools and information to help support young people’s mental health and wellbeing. Information and resources for school leaders are provided in dedicated sections of the website.

Read more growing range of resources for school staff, created by the Jigsaw team in collaboration with young people, school staff and parents has been made available.  
The charity recognises the demands faced by school staff during these extraordinary times and wants to ensure that school staff have access to the resources they need to feel confident and comfortable exploring mental health and wellbeing with young people. 
The resources contribute to delivering a mental health and wellbeing programme as part of the school curriculum. They have been tailored to support school leaders, staff and students during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

What you will find…

  • An Introduction to youth mental health toolkit to help school staff explore mental health and wellbeing with young people in the classroom.
  • Ways to support and look after one’s own mental health. As young people are supported, it is important to remember to take the time for self-care and to look after one’s wellbeing as a school leader. 
  • What school leaders can do to create a whole-school approach that supports staff and students with their mental health and wellbeing. It looks at what a whole-school approach to mental health means and how this can help the school community. 

At the Jigsaw Schools Hub you will find a growing range of up-to-date resources, tools and information to help in supporting the wellbeing of the school community.

Find out more at


DE Pension Unit Update

Pension Unit Answers

Fórsa Letter – Department Clarification

Fórsa Letter – Department Clarification

Department of Education Updates

Briefing Update Highlights:

  • Masks – the issue in relation to the wearing of masks for primary school children has been reviewed by NPHET and there is no change to the policy. As it is not in line with public health advice, schools cannot implement a mandatory mask-wearing rule. The wearing of masks by pupils will be kept under review.
  • Close contacts in schools will be tested twice on day 0 and day 10. If the test result is negative on day 10, the person can return to school. They do not need to wait until 14 days have elapsed.
  • Pregnant staff - Arrangements in relation to pregnant teachers/SNAs are under review. The flexibility in place to work remotely stands (Information Note 0010/2021 & 0011/2021), until the review has been completed. If there are staffing issues for schools relating to this, the school is advised to contact their management body for guidance. Where necessary, the management body will liaise with the Department.
  • Ventilation – NPHET is looking at this issue and will advise the government if any changes to procedure are deemed necessary. Meanwhile, the advice in the resource bundle (Section 4.3) applies. 
  • Serial antigen testing – This is under review by public health. Their recommendations are awaited.
  • Staffing schedules – It is hoped that information can be issued to schools very soon in relation to staffing schedules. IPPN has sought a timeline on the publication of the circular to facilitate staff planning arrangements for next academic year.
  • Vaccinations – The DE has requested the prioritisation of some school staff within the education sector in respect of the vaccination schedule. Further information from the Department is awaited.
  • IPSP – Further guidance is expected in relation to the IPSP. Updates in relation to the facilitation of the programme onsite in schools is being examined.

IPPN Sponsors

