E-sceal 532 - Professional Conversations - What if scenarios - Staff Grievances

It is always wise to raise issues of this nature, when there are no problems or conflict situations. Continuing our series of discussing 'What if' scenarios at staff meetings, the focus for this week is on staff grievances.

What if a staff member comes to you to complain that another staff member has been undermining them and they are now feeling hugely stressed by this situation?

This will then form the topic for discussion and input from staff, as to what is expected of you as a school leader and what responsibility lies with the particular staff member in coming to a resolution. A number of considerations related to the conversation might be:

  • Any National Procedures in operation as in Grievance Procedure for Staff
  • Informal attempts to resolve issue prior to any engagement with a formal grievance procedure
  • Adherence to procedures and not skipping any stage
  • Knowledge and understanding of the procedures by staff and BoM
  • Plan to communicate to all stakeholders if not already in place
  • Reference to INTO Working Together publication/Teaching Council Code of Conduct/Any Restorative Practices already in place within school / A Dignity in the Workplace Policy in place or for development, as a considered response to the discussion.

In these types of situations, one’s rights as opposed to responsibilities can often become the focus. It is important to acknowledge that in any conflict, each of the parties have rights, but they also have responsibilities to engage with each other and the process to achieve an equitable outcome.
The Leadership Support Team is available to support and guide you in dealing with this area of staff relations and management, particularly where difficult conversations need to be facilitated.

E-sceal 532 - Are you storm ready?

Storm Callum with strong winds and heavy rain is expected to hit our shores later tonight. Met Éireann has assigned it an orange status warning. Met.ie/warnings is providing up-to-date information on the status of the storm for your area.

Allianz Insurance has developed a checklist to help you prepare and protect your school against any bad weather event. The checklist includes suggested actions for both storms and flooding, as well as the actions to be taken in the event of property damage. It is advisable to bring this information to the attention of the Chairperson of your Board of Management and your caretaker.

Click here to download Allianz’s Checklist to prepare for bad weather

E-sceal 531 - Professional Conversations at Staff Meetings – What if Scenarios

Often we are taken unawares by a difficult conversation, involving a grievance, complaint or issue giving rise to conflict. Having the right language and knowing the steps to take in handling the situation can ensure a better outcome generally.
In the next editions of e-scéal, a ‘what if’ scenario will be proposed as a topic for discussion at a staff meeting.

The topic for this week is:
‘What if a parent raises an issue, concern or incident involving their child and a teacher?’

Consider including discussion on:

  • Procedure: Parental Complaints Procedure
  • Using the procedure
  • Managing an irate parent
  • Keeping the focus at all times on the child
  • Rights and responsibilities of both parties
  • Managing self during conversation
  • Having a repertoire of language to refocus and engage, in arriving at a collaborative resolution

It may also be helpful to refer to IPPN’s Communications Resource Bundle

E-sceal 531 - Supports and Services – Factual, Professional Guidance and Leadership Support

One of IPPN’s most important means of support for school leaders is the Leadership Support Service. It is a one-to-one confidential advisory service, providing collegial support and guidance of a non-directive or non-legal nature from a team of skilled serving and retired principals.

This Leadership Support Service is designed to make sure that any IPPN member, looking for information, going through a stressful or worrying time, will receive appropriate personal as well as professional support. In the event of a crisis situation, critical incident or school tragedy, members of our Professional Guidance Panel are available to provide one-to-one confidential advice and support over the telephone.

Difficult conversations are part and parcel of school life. Prior to engaging in one of these conversations, it can be helpful to discuss a possible approach with a member of the team. Sometimes all that’s needed is reassurance that one has taken, or is about to take, a particular course of action. At times, a more sustained period of support, over a number of weeks or months, may be exactly what is needed. This will be facilitated by a member of the team. It is a sign of strength to look for support.

The Leadership Support Service can be accessed, either by contacting the IPPN Support Office on 021 4824070, or emailing advice@ippn.ie. Contact may also be made through angela.lynch@ippn.ie.

We are here to support and empower you in your leadership role.

E-sceal 531- Admissions to Schools, Education Act, Sections Commencement

As of yesterday, a number of sections of the Education Act 2018 have come into operation:

  • Catholic schools are not allowed to prioritise catholic applicants over non catholic applicants. The so called 'Baptism Barrier' can no longer exist. This requirement also applies to waiting lists
  • Schools may be compelled by the NCSE to open special classes (Effective December 3rd 2018)
  • School fees as a condition of enrolment are banned
  • Schools may be required to co-operate with each other in relation to enrolment.

What should you do?
The DES advice is that the admission policy should operate as usual, minus the religion requirement in Catholic schools, as of yesterday 3 October 3 2018
Be aware that a ministerial commencement order does not operate retrospectively
Refer to advice from management, patron bodies and the INTO which will be issued shortly.

Click here to view DES announcement

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