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Price - €2250 + VAT

Booking Request Form https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/H9NJSLJ

Teaching Principals’ ‘Release’ Time

IPPN welcomes the Department of Education and Skills’ announcement of increased leadership days for Teaching Principals. It falls significantly short of the one day per week for which IPPN has lobbied over the course of almost two decades. Almost six out of ten school leaders have full-time teaching responsibilities in addition to their school leadership role. It is widely acknowledged that this ‘dual role’ poses significant challenges, particularly in relation to the lack of time to lead the teaching and learning, as well as managing the day to day running of the school.

The ‘release’ of DES Circular 40/2018 brings with it an opportunity to revise the language relating to supports for school leaders. IPPN proposes the adoption of the term ‘leadership days’ or a similar term, as we believe the term ‘release days’ to be slightly offensive to school leaders, given its importance to those running over 2,000 of our primary schools and the nature of the work undertaken. We invite Teaching Principals to contribute to this by choosing the language you feel most closely reflects the work you do during your ‘release days’. Click here to participate.

Conference Expo Floor Plan 2020

Conference Expo Floor Plan 2020

Floor Plan And Price List 2020

IPPN Sponsors

